F.21 (colors)

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- Men and women see the color red differently.

- Pink soothes the nerves and is often used for anger management.

- Worldwide blue is the most common favorite color.

- Some people have a phobia of color.

- Yellow and red together make you hungry.

- People are more likely to forget something when it's in black and white.

- Colors affect taste.

- Yellow makes you dizzy.


- I think you're favorite color says a lot about you personality don't you agree ? Some says it's about what your wearing at the moment!

- thinking in colors is fun , it's like see a color and it's reminds you of someone or something its awesome.

- a professor in my university one said that colors have an amazing language and say a  lot  about you and I personally agree .

- Black is really powerful but white is my favorite if I have to choose which one to wear or buy .

As for my amazing readers too , whenever I see a color it's reminds me of each one of you .

Thank you for reading🌹

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