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"HOW ARE YOU SO SURE THAT YOUR THE SIN OF SLOTH AND THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE LIKE YOU!?" Satan said "Or are you lying?" He said as he glared at me

"Let me speak for a sec." I said as they all went quiet "I am the Servamp of Sloth or known as Sleepy ash but instead of being a demon I'm Vampire. There are other vampires like me." I explained

"But how did you get in here?" Lucifer asked as I turned my head to look at Satan "Satan brought me here as a cat." I said

"WAIT WAIT WAIT.. SO YOUR TELLING ME THAT YOU WERE THE CAT THAT FELL ON TOP OF ME?" Satan asked as I looked at him confused since I don't remember how I met him

"I suppose so?" I replied "Do you got more proof that you're the cat that Satan brought back?" Lucifer asked as I thought for a moment.

"Well maybe this collar can show as proof?" I said as I showed them my collar on my neck.

"I saw Satan had this collar a while ago so maybe this is the cat that Satan brought back" Mammon said.

Satan muttered something but I didn't quite hear him so I just shrugged it off.

"One more thing, while I'm in my human form don't say my name or else-" I said but got cut off when Satan yelled my name.

"YOU ARE Y/N!" Satan yelled my name causing a flash of green/blue all around the room

"WHATS HAPPENING!?" Satan asked as he looked at his wrist

"BOTH OF YOU ARE GLOWING!" Levi exclaimed

"Oh my! This could be a perfect way to picture my beautiful self but I don't have my phone" Asmo pouted as the flash disappeared leaving the bros in shocked

"-the contract will start..." I deadpanned as I finished my sentence

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" Mammon asked as he pulled me back and forth

"Y/N, can you please explained what just happened?" Lucifer asked calmly

Was he shocked or just calm?

"Well...How do I say this..." I said as I scratched my cheek
"Us vampires only drink blood from the master they contact with" I explained

"Sounds kinky~" Asmo smirked
"Of course you'd think of that" I deadpanned

"And their master's orders are troublesome, but they listen" I continued

"We have a name, too, but there's no point in telling you cause you guys already know" I said as I ate the potato chips that Levi left in his room

"OI! STOP EATING MY SNACKS! BEEL, YOU TOO!" Levi said as he snatched our snatched snacks away

"Hey... I was about to finish that..." Beel pouted

"So, that contract..." Lucifer started

"No, that was just a temporary contract" I said as I once again ate one of Levi's snacks


"Temporary contract?" Satan asked as I let out a yawn

"As long as I don't drink your blood in the next 24 hours, It'll automatically get canceled" I continued my explanation but my explanation wasn't completed yet

"Oh that's a relief..." Satan sigh in relief

"Then..." Lucifer said as he picked me up and went towards the exit door with his brothers in his side

"You will go back where you belong." He said as he put me outside

"Goodbye." He said as he closed the door



"Alright now he's gone. Go back to your rooms and go to sleep" Lucifer commanded.

As I was about to go back to my room, along with my brothers, a strong leash came at my wrist all of a sudden pulling me down to the floor.

"Satan!" Asmo run towards to me, worriedly along with my brothers

"Hey, you okay?" Belphie pulled me up
"Yea..." I said as I rubbed the back of my head

"But what's with this leash?" I asked as I looked at my wrist

"I don't know but it's coming outside the door" Levi said as he pointed at the door.

We all went towards the door and opened it just to see a lazy Y/n, laying on the floor.

"You guys didn't let me finished explaining." He lazily said "Me and Satan have to stick together until the temporary contract ends." He finished explaining

"Fine, you can stay for just bit!" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms

"And Satan is gonna take care of you" he said as he looked at me while I just rolled my eyes.

It's just simple task.
Taking care of him and when the temporary contract ends we'll go our separate ways. what could possibly happened... right?

| ? POV |

"Greetings master, did I successfully put Sleepy ash in the demon brothers house?" Otogiri asked as she looked at me with her usual emotionless face

"You did great Otogiri now time for the next move." I said as I looked at Sleepy ash and the demon brothers outside the window "Go and tell the others to get ready" I told Otogiri "Of course, Master" She replied as she nodded and walked away

"I bet your gonna be happy to see me again



Old A/N- YEP IM STILL ALIVE! Sorry for the late update I was just lazy and I have a new book to write🌝

Old Words: 688

New A/N- Oh my goodness there are such a lot of mistakes in here but don't worry because I fixed it!

New words: 916

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