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"Talk and explain yourself!" A black haired guy aggressively demanded me

"I'm too lazy to do it" I said as I yawned and looked at them tiredly

"NO! DO IT NOW!" He yelled turning into his demon form

"He kinda reminds of Belphie, dont you think?" The white-haired guy earlier said

"He kinda act like me but we don't look the same" A dark indigo-haired with white-tipped on his hair said as he hugged his pillow that looks like a cow

"His personality reminds me of Belphie!" An orange-haired guy smiled

"THATS WHAT I JUST SAID" The white haired guy said

"Beel, did you ate the whole food again?" Satan asked

"Maybe?" He tilted his head
"Aww come on! I just buy the groceries yesterday!" A champagne-hair colored whined

"I'm sorry..." He pouted as the champagne haired guy sighed "It's fine... there is a reason why you are the sin of gluttony" he said

"HOW ARE YOU GUYS NOT WORRIED THAT SOME RANDOM HUMAN IS IN MY ROOM?!" Another Indigo hair but not dark(or is it) yelled

"Can you guys SHUT UP!" The same black haired guy shouted making them silent and woke me up

"Finally..." he groaned "Just how did you get here?" He talked to me but softly this time

"I don't know? Asked him" I pointed at Satan cause he's the only person I know.

They all looked at him waiting for his answer.
"I didn't! I swear!" He defended himself

"Then why did he said that you were the one that brought him here?" The white-haired guy asked him in suspicious

"Oh shut up like you don't bring anyone here without this old man knowing" He snitched

"What..." The black haired guy glared at the white-haired guy

"B-big bro! Satan was just l-lying!" He stuttered in fear as the black haired sighed in annoyance

"I'll deal with you later" He said as he looked at me

"Before I can explain myself. Can you guys introduce yourselves first?" I said as I raised one eyebrow

"Fine. I'm Lucifer, the Avatar of pride and The 1st older brother" He introduced himself

"And these are my brothers" He pointed at his bros

"I'm the great Mammon! The Avatar of Greed! And the 2nd older brother" He introduced himself, proudly

"YOU BETTER OBEY ME!" He pointed at me

"I'm Leviathan, The Avatar of Envy, and the 3rd older brother" He introduced himself
"I also don't talk to normies, So, don't even come or talk to me!"

'Ugh, I bet their worst than my siblings' I thought

"I'm-" As Satan was about to introduce himself I cut him off

"Your Satan, Blah blah blah, the wrath, the 4th older brother" I rolled my eyes

"And I'm Asmo! The Avatar of lust, and the 5th older brother" he introduced himself and hold my hand

"Its a pleasure to meet you" He smiled

'Oh shit his Walmart version of Snow Lily' I thought as I quickly pulled my hand away.

"I'm Bweelzebub! I'm the Afatar of Gwuttony and the 6th older bwother" He introduced himself while eating Levi's snacks as Levi snatched it away from him

"I'm Belphegor.. zzz.. Avatar of Sloth and the 7th younger brother.. Zzzz..." He introduced himself while sleeping in Beel's shoulder

"Can you now introduce yourself?" Lucifer crossed his hands as I let out a sigh

"I'm Y/N cause he named me" I pointed at Satan as I yawned
"But Y/N is not my original name" I said

"Then what is it?" Mammon asked
"Sloth, sleepy ash or know as the sin of sloth like Belphie" I said.

Their jaws were wide opened as they look at me in disbelief.


"There are others who's also like me" I replied as they looked more shocked




New A/N- I was reading this chapter if there are mistakes and I saw that Belphie and Beel didn't got an introduction so I edited it.

Words: 697

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