Chapter 2

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'Parijat!!! Also called 'Parvati ayi cha phula' (Goddess Parvati's flower) has its own distinguished essence. Its fragrance captivates your soul indeed!!! ' saying I bent to smell some freshly plucked flowers from the tree in our garden as the young teen kids kept blinking as I kept explaining them the uses of these flowers.

But when I saw their blank faces I understood nothing went into these 'english medium babies'!!!

'Nyctanthes Arbor Tritis!!! It's botanical name... commonly known as the night flowering jasmine, most easily available around us yet most ignored when it comes to making perfumes or fragrances. Roses and Jasmines are always given utmost priority because of their variety and popularity but our homegrown Parijat is always ignored!!! Do you know it's oil not only helps you relieve joint pain or fever but also is used in making medicines for arthritis?' I asked and now their pens were faster on their writing pads!!!

Wooow!!! They just want facts and Baba wants me to tell them more about 'Ayurveda'!!! I rolled my eyes and simply continued grinding some fresh white sandalwood paste with the fragrant oils I created from kevda flower making a paste which helps relieve headache.

Yup!!! Ayurveda is vast!!! And it's only now when there is buzzing craze for these wild flowers, perfumes, organic soaps and bathing oils is when we are slowly being recognised! However I hate it when these half baked knowledgeable 'kids' or youngsters visit us only for filling up their books so they can submit their projects every year and my father gets excited everytime thinking their this research paper would bring more people back to villages recognising the age old talent and finally give credit to the much awaited age old 'Ayurveda' which is only a fancy term for many today who try to go 'organic'!!!

But for me and my father this is as divine as praying to my Lord Khandoba (Lord Shiva's other name). But my father is a noble man, he tries to explain everyone about what he knows...

'Spread the knowledge Baala (child)' is what my father always says and I roll my eyes.

'Thank you Di (sister)' they said to me and I smiled back.

'We will visit again post our exams' they said and I faked another smile knowing they never come back. Oh come on!!! You don't want to visit to promote something which doesn't give you anything in a random village where a old man and his daughter are the only ones trying to extract age old Ayurvedic medicines!!!

And honestly!!!
I didn't need this fake appreciation!!!
I know the quality of my father's medicines. The knowledge he has been passing onto me is vast!!! And I am working my very best to make sure my father's knowledge spreads across the world!!!

I was hoping that 'Fragor Corporation' accepts my proposal. I kept browsing on my desktop for the 7th time since morning hoping for their response when I felt a hand on my shoulder..I turned around to see my father Chandrakant Joshi smiling at me.

'Baba it wi'

'Bala (child)...they didn't respond! Accept it and move on!!!'

'But Baba'

'Mukta...accept the fact that it has been rejected darling. You were supposed to get a response on last monday. It's a week now's fine let go' my father said and I was still not convinced. I really hoped this one gets accepted.

I kept refreshing my inbox when my father held me by my shoulders and said...
'Look Bala... doesn't matter if it's a big name or a small name, if our products are helpful to these villagers or become world renown, what matters is it should help the mankind' and although I nodded I didn't very much agree with his thought process.

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