✨I dragged him out of the pantry before he would do something really stupid. He was actually threatening Sunil.. Above all he had openly announced Sunil that I was his wife. No one knew in this office that I was his wife. In one go I dragged him to his cabin and pushed him away. He was still raging in anger.
'What the hell was that Omkar...why are you complicating everything? You told him we are married? What if he tells everyone?' I asked at once and in Omkar wiped his face and then looked at my face and said ...
'I don't care!!! Get it??? You are my wife!!! No one can change that fact!!!' and now I was pissed off.
'Oh really so where was this thought when that Panchami entered your cabin and wanted to talk to you in PRIVATE!' I said gritting my teeth and he shot me a look and tried to explain...
'Mukta...look it's completely different from'
'Its NOT OMKAR!!! Atleast Sunil wasn't someone with whom I had a past. He wanted to marry me but he simply left! I wasn't in 'LOVE' with him! You were in love with Panchami okay??? And you still ask me to leave when she enters your space!!! But you know what! I give a fuck! And you ...get my point crystal clear. I can handle my matters. I can explain people! I can take care of my issues!
I don't need YOU to be my saviour! Got it?
And hannn I will send you the reports again and I will keep sending it to you till you accept it. You may have the power but I have the determination. I will not give up.You may do anything. But I WON'T join Nayak's again.
I won't meet the investors who want to put up the Ayurveda Plant in Phulvaspura nor will I share any of my or Baba's knowledge with them.
Yes!!! I want a brand and I don't care I will develop it myself.
I don't want your money! Your help or your recommendation! You want to show how great you are...go ahead do the drama but I'm not falling into your trap!!! ' I yelled and tried to walk away but in one go he grabbed my hand and pinned me to the table. I was shocked.
'Recommendation??? Money??? Help??? Seriously Mukta? Have you even read these papers once ..I just presented them your whitepapers. Your reasearch which were already published and they were impressed. They are investors Mukta. They will make money and you will have your own brand. There is no Omkar Nayak and his RECOMMENDATION here!!! It's you, your Baba and your years of dedication. Huhhhh but you won't understand. Because you are high on anger. I don't want you to work here because although Patty's is a place which would respect your talent and you may get great work here but that Ayurveda Plant is your and your Baba's dream. And you are letting it go just because of your anger.
Whatever happened between us is personal. Keep it aside. I want to see you achieve your dreams. Not because you are my wife but because you are talented. Just like how Pattu is. I invested into her organization. Areyyyy I don't even know what goes where here. I am like a sleeping partner. I only get a huge profit every quarter thanks to Pattu's hardwork and her knowledge.
The same way your investors will make money too. I could have easily been your investor Mukta but I didn't do that because you won't appreciate it and for me your self respect is most important. I not trying to be great here in your eyes! If I wanted I could have done that long ago Mukta. But that's not Omkar Nayak for you. Anyways I don't want to explain you further. All I could say this. Understand what an opportunity this is and then take a step. This one's your Baba's dream so keep it away from our personal issues' he said walking towards the door while he stopped and said...
'And your personal issues are MINE Mukta! You can keep your happiness but your pain is MINE! All MINE! And that fucking Sunil Kulkarni cannot try to hurt what's MINE! I won't spare him! Take it as a statement or a warning or a threat! I DON'T CARE!!!' saying he stormed out of the cabin while I sat there for a few mins.

Demon's Secret Wife (COMPLETED)
RomanceThe Nayak Brothers - Book 2 Omkar Nayak, 32 years old cold blooded, ruthless businessman was single, sexy yet a beast!!! For his family he was a big baby but his employees and the market called him a 'Demon!!!' After a terrible heartbreak he stoppe...