Chapter 47

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I was shocked at her confession. I slowly caressed her head while she whispered...
'I am nyctophobic as well as claustrophobic!!!' she confessed.

'I get scared of darkness and being in closed chokes me...the reason why Karthik held me that evening and acted like a jerk' she said while I raised my eyebrow however I quickly asked...
'But then that night you dragged me into the elevator without any fear!!! What was that???' I asked and she quickly pulled me more into the hug and said...

'Obviously that disgusting Manisha was trying to get closer to you! How dare I let her do that. I would have literally banged her head into the wall but then I'm not too violent!!' she said and I burst out laughing.

She quickly lifted her head up and looked at me asking...
'Why??? What is so funny???'

To which I pressed my lips tightly and said...
'Says the one who has kept kicking my crotch n+1 number of times!!!' and she gulped nervously while her eyes grew wide and I burst out laughing loudly.

'Look!!! That's self defence ok!!! I was been taught in school that...a man's main is attack the main!!!' she said so casually and I took a step back and asked...

'So why are you here???'

And then suddenly she jumps in fear and says ...
'Bec...bec... because ghosts don't have a weak point which I can attack but they can attack me!!! More over it is night! What of ghosts eat me!!!' and I rolled my eyes walking towards the door and said...

'Stop it Mukta...there is nothing called ghosts and even if there are humans are more selfish and dangerous!!! ' saying I walked to open the door...

'Dddddont... don't open it .. please' she practically begged me standing against the door while I rolled my eyes saying...

'Mukta I'm hungry yaar...I haven't eaten my dinner' and then suddenly her stomach growls too...

'See you are also hungry. Let me get some food'


'Muktaaaa... stay here...I'll just come...hmmm atleast let me get some instant about maggii?' and that's when she remembers 'I had switched on the gas to make some Maggi too. Freakkkk!!!'

'The gas is switched on!???' I yelled.

'Mukta you are seriously crazy!!! Let me go and switch it off.'

'Bbbut gho...ghost!!!'

'Oh god believe me right???' and she bobbed her head like a doll and I smiled.

'Then just hold my hand' I offered her my hand while she was thinking again.

'Muktaaaa I don't know about ghost but if you have left the gas on for this long then definitely we will die in a accident' I said and she finally agreed to come along. We went upstairs and noticed the gas was already switched off and maggi was lying in the pan.

But Mukta immediately said...
'See...see ..ghost switched off the gas...Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj' and she she started reciting hanuman chalisa...

'Muktaaaa stop!!! You may have switched off the gas in fear...stop overthinking' saying I served the maggi in a huge bowl while she clinged onto my bicep like a little girl. She wasn't even letting me pick the spoons. And she was pulling me into her. Finally we came back to my room and she quickly closed the door.

Within seconds she was sitting on the bed folding her legs eagerly. I smiled.
Indeed she was hungry.

I sat next to her and forwarded the maggi bowl and one fork which she let me pick with a lot of difficulty.

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