The end of a new start

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After the competition benny asked how you had bin after the Parting of the gladers and if you still wanted to be his girlfriend.

You jumped into his arms and said ''ofc I want to still be your girlfriend'' you said excitedly.

He was so happy to hear that you were still happy to be with him.

Styles coughed ''yep I'm totally not here'' he said jokingly you all laughed as Thomas was his old funny self like the old days in the glade.

''It's a shame Minho and winston went to Australia'' benny said sadly ''WHAT'' you said shocked in a shouty way '' yea they got a plain ticket when they got to America and worked for a bit'' styles explained.

''But there's scary spiders in Australia'' you said while a shiver went from your head to ur toes  ''oh come on y/n spiders arnt that bad'' benny said jokingly knowing you did like any spiders.

But little did all 3 of you know you weren't alone ''BOO'' said the familiar voice causing only you to to jump ''MINHO'' ''WINSTON'' you said exited pulling them into a group hug.

You knew Minho never liked Hugs so u gave him a love one to tease him about it ''okay okay I have missed you but no more hugging'' he said smiling being happy you actually let go.

''No way I thought you were in Australia'' benny said confused ''well we were until we got a call that benny watts was in California'' winston said mocking newts knew name.

''Haha very funny winston me and Tommy were being smart changing our names'' he said proudly ''he's got us there winston'' you said with a little grin on your face.

The day skipped and you and benny decided to take a walk through the park you guys talked for hours non stop until you noticed a person with a jacket saying W.I.C.K.E.D benny saw it too so you both ran in the other direction from where the man or woman was standing.

You ran for hours non stop knowing you were catching people's eye but you didn't care as nobody wanted to go back to the maze not after what happened last time with the grivers and memories being erased and looking through the maze just to find the way out.

As you were running you started to think about how gally must still be in the maze with the other boys that got left behind thinking they might remember one of us if they went back.

And how the back stabbing bitch Teresa (love her btw) could still be working for wicked.

When you got to the hotel you locked the doors calling the others to tell them to lock their doors fir safety cause who knows how far wicked will go to get them all back.

Because as you remembered from the video of Dr Ava Paige saying you were all able to cure the people who had bin affected of the deadly virus witch turned you into a flesh eating monster a cranck.

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