Lie or truth

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"Hello" a voice said from behind the door "anyone home" there is was again...we stayed silent.

"Look I'm sorry" she said again "I regret what I did to you all" she said.

Me and benny looked at each other confused who it was then it hit me.

"Teresa?" I questioned the voice.

"Y/n" she said excitedly "what do you want last time we saw you we got betrayed" benny said sadly.

"Look newt and y/n if I could go back in and changed what I did I's just I-I miss you guys" Teresa said broken.

We both looked at each other feeling that it could be true of what she was saying but on the other hand she could throw us back in the maze.

"Why should we trust you... y-you could throw us back in the maze". I said terrified of what will happen.

"I just want to be friends again with Thomas,Minho,winston,you and newt like the old days.".

Benny held me in his arms we just stood their doors locked wondering what she would say next and thinking of the lie and truth.

"Where's Thomas and the rest"she asked us
"We won't tell you until we trust you fully" I blurted out.

"Okay I understand that" she calmly said.

"Idk how I can gain your trust again but I hope one day you will forgive me"she added before walking away.

Me and benny looked at each other knowing what we were both thinking "she's back who knows what will happen" both of our minds shouted felt like it was screaming out loud.

*the phone rings* it made us both jump.

"Hello?" Benny answered "BENNY" stiles scream through benny pulled the phone from his ear "did you have to scream" benny asked conceded "it's Teresa she here she asking me were you and the others are" he said not knowing what to do.

"TOMMY DONT OPEN THE DOOR SHE IS STILL WORKING FOR WICKD" benny said worried "I won't... I got to go I will call you guys back" he said "okay be careful" benny said still worried.

Now they know that the truth and lie was a lie she didn't want it to be like the old days she just wanted us back in the maze.


it's been a week since Teresa came back into their life nobody left their apartment for food we just ordered room service but always checked that it wasn't a wicked worker in disguise.

"Are you okay"benny asked me "y-y-yea I'm fine" I said curled up on the sofa with my head digger in my knees "it will be okay I promise" benny said surly while wrapping his arms around me.

" the others" I blurted out "what about them" benny looked at me confused "we haven't heard from them in over a week" I said benny looked worried now that I mentioned it.

He ran over to the phone to call their room he called Minho and winston first "hello" Minho said wig a cheerful voice "how on earth are you happy Minho" benny blurted out in confusion "what do you mean" the cheerfulness stopped "about Teresa being back" benny exclaimed "WHAT IMPOSSIBLE" Minho screamed  " you didn't know...did she not come to your door" benny asked "no" Minho said with relief " okay that's good have you heard from Tommy" benny asked concerned "oh-yea I just got off the phone with him when you called...why?" Minho asked wanting to know more "it's just she went to Tommy's as well" benny explained with the tone of relief "and if she comes to your door stay silent and don't say a word she's still working for WICKD" benny warned Minho "will do" Minho said concerned.

After benny came off the phone there was a knock on the door "y/n , newt are you home" the voice behind the door said "Teresa" I said with horror.

Benny placed his hand over my mouth while he held me close to his chest "it's okay" bennys calm low voice said to me.

The footsteps got fainter and fainter till they were unheard.

Benny lifted his hand slowly from my mouth but didn't let go of me.

But the real question was...

What will she do to get us back in the glade?...

Hello thank you for waiting I wanted to get all my homework done before tomorrow so I could write more even though this hasn't  got many read I am enjoying this myself.

-Chloe <3

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