Chapter Two: The Cave Of Healing and Truth

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Riley was sleeping still as I walked towards her bedside. I hovered over her slightly calling out her name. "Riley...Riley!" I said. She slowly opened her eyes and jumped straight up.

"Adalee! You scared me, you elf!" She pushed her hair back. I stood back a little.

"Sorry Riley, but I have something important to tell you. Eric and I are going to the dungeons in an hour and I was wondering if you would want to join us?" Riley rubbed her eyes a little.

"The Dungeons? Are you mad?" She yelled. I shushed her and looked around to see if anyone else was looking.

"Come on, what's a little adventure going to hurt anyone?" Riley rolled her eyes and jumped out of bed.

"Well maybe if I come it will be safer since I know a little about the dungeons."

"Wait, you do? Tell me." I asked desperately.

"Well, The new dungeons were actually old ones from the war when Hogwarts was against...," she whispered, "Voldermort." As she was about to continue she looked away from me and saw someone peeking out from the corner. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

I turn around to see a familiar face. Ryan comes out of the corner and walks toward us. "Ryan, were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" I asked.

"I heard blabbering about the dungeons and heard you were going," he said.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked. He took out his wand and had a glare on his face.

"I cannot let you, it's dangerous and you will get in big trouble!" He had his wand at the ready.

Riley sighed, "I am sorry Ryan, I don't know you that well but I have to do this."

"What girl?" He asked. Riley had her want at the ready and cleared her throat.

"Glacius!" Riley hits Ryan with a freezing spell and he falls to the floor. Riley gestured to me to go with her and we were off. I whispered to Ryan sorry and we left. We ran through the castle going to the gardens. When we got there we saw Eric. He looked at us with a warm smile.

"Hello Adalee," He looks at Riley, "And you are?"

"Riley, Riley Weasly." Eric's eyes widened

"You're Professor Hermione's daughter, woah... she is a legend here."

Riley giggled, "Yeah she really is." I was confused about what they were talking about and they seemed to have caught on.

"Oh Adalee, my mom is Hermione Weasly, she used to go here when she was our age and she fought in the battle long ago against Voldermort." So that's why she is seen as a popular person. Her mother was a fighter and a student here at Hogwarts. It all makes sense why some of the walls are damaged and some halls are off-limits. Eric and she continued to talk. This made me wonder if my father and mother went to Hogwarts and fought in the battle.

Eric tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I was ready to go and I nodded. We walked past the talking paintings and passed the moving stairs until we reached a door as tall as the castle's roof. Riley, Eric, and I each got our wands out.

"Alright, we all have to say Alohomora to open the door." We all got our wands at the ready, and we all said aloud Alhomora! The spark that came from our wands hit the giant dark black lock on the door. The door slowly opened and we ran inside.

As the door closed behind us, our eyes adjusted to our surroundings. As Riley turned around, her eyes widened and backed up until she reached the door.

I whispered "What's wrong Riley?" she pointed straight ahead and Eric and I turned our heads. It was a gigantic four-headed troll. It was sleeping on a rock. Its breath began to make our hair flow like the wind; it had a beaten-up wooden sword.

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