Chapter Fifteen: Winter Break

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"Adalee wake up!" Riley shook me awake. I forcefully wake up by her nagging.

"What." I groan rubbing my eyes. She turned my head outside. It was snowing. I almost forgot that it's almost Christmas. "Oh my!"

"Come on let's go outside!" Riley said. I agreed and we both got dressed and ready to go play in the snow. We both ran outside to see a lot of students. I saw Marco and Ryan hanging out together so we went to them. I gave Marco and kiss on the cheek and Riley gave Ryan a hug. This was the first time in awhile I felt peace.

"Adalee." Marco turned my head gently.
"Yes?" I responded smiling.
"I love you."
"I love you too Malfoy." We stared into each other's eyes. Losing everything beyond us, just our eyes. His blue with a hint of green eyes. I didn't notice but a snowball came hitting my back. I turned to see Eric smiling at me.

I run to give him a hug. "Eric!" Marco gave a thin smile to Eric but didn't greet him. Abigail came and walked passed Eric and I and gave Marco, Riley and Ryan a hug. I see there was still some tension between each other.

Ryan took his wand and started making a snowball levitate off the ground. He lost control and accidentally hit Marco. He looked furious. "I'm gonna kill you Dankworth!" Ryan screamed like a little girl and ran away from him. We all laughed when they were chasing each other. It was so funny. 

Abigail stood next to me. "I found out why I am at Hogwarts as a muggle." She whispered.

I whisper back, "Oh? Why?"
"My grandfather was the head wizard at Hogwarts school. His name was Albus Dumbledore." My eyes widen. I only heard few things about him from my father and McGonagall.
"Why did he make you a muggle?" I asked.
"Not sure, probably to protect me." She responded.
"Who told you?" I asked.
"McGonagall." She said.
"How did she find-"
"Enough questions. Giving me a headache." Abigail abruptly leaves. That was sudden. Not sure why she is acting like that. Maybe she actually does have a headache and needs space from everyone. Marco stopped chasing Ryan after plunging him into the snow. Ryan got up and chuckled. Marco kept a stone face but I knew he wanted to laugh so hard. I decided to go inside to be warm and took Marco with me. I wanted some alone time with him. We went to the library, not a lot of people there today so we hung out here.

"What are you doing for Christmas break Marco?" I asked.

"Probably going across Europe, my dad has a lot of business stuff." He said.

"That's nice." I smiled. He kept a thin smile. There was silence for a minute until he spoke again.

"Do you, do you want to come with me?" Marco looked up at me.

My eyes widen, "Oh bloody yes! I just have to ask my parents." I hope they say yes. If I don't go Ill miss Marco so much.

"Perfect." Marco says with thin smile. I kept a big smile and gave him a kiss. He passionately kissed me back. We kept kissing until Marco pulled me into his lap. He stopped for a moment and looked into my eyes. "You're so beautiful." He put my hair behind my shoulders. I couldn't help but smile and blush. I kept kissing him after that.

Later that evening, Riley wanted to hangout with everyone so we decided to all hang out in the Gryffindor Commons.  Everyone gathered by the fireplace.

Riley spoke, "So tomorrows Christmas, and that means we won't see each other for awhile. I got everyone gifts."

"You didn't have too!" Eric smiled.

"Oh but I did! Here's yours first Gail." She handed Abigial her gift. She ripped opened the wrapping paper and it was a box. Abigail opened the box and inside was a red jeweled heart necklace

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