Chapter Nine: Owl's Eyes

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Fourteen years ago...

The battle started growing louder in the muggle world. Death eaters kept Voldemort's words in their heads to take over the wizard world and darken the muggle world. Wizards are not allowed to do this, The Council of wizards forbids magic outside the wizard world, so once the battle between death eaters and wizards commenced in the muggle world. a lot of them got arrested.

"Harry, this plan might get us screwed with the council." I said. Some people nodded there heads as they agreed with me.

"I know Ginny. But this is the only way we could win." Harry had a thin smile on his face. He did not want this war to happen anymore. I see it on his face how hurt he was, and tired. I am 9 months pregnant so I couldn't fight. Harry was so focused on both the war and the baby. He wanted to protect everyone, but mostly me.

"We could Crucio every Death Eater, and make a Harming Potion." Draco suggested. Harry would disagree because he does not believe in killing anyone. Of course I sided with Harry, but I couldn't help but somewhat agree to Draco's suggestion. He was a death eater himself, but ever since the battle at Hogwarts where Voldemort was killed, he changed for himself and was no longer broken. Well, I would not say that but, he was purely more enjoying his life; no more pressure from his own father who was cold and ruthless.

Hermione laughed and Harry of course said no. Draco was upset but, he knew Harry would have never agreed.

After the meeting, I went to see my brothers, George and Ron who were dueling. Ron always got into a fuss with George, cause he would always lose against him. It was so funny, and they were doing it again.

They saw me and smiled. They stopped because since I was pregnant, they were very cautious of every move they did. I guess they realize how clumsy they are, my brothers.

"What are you doing here Ginny?" George asked.

"Just finished a meeting. You guys practicing?" I asked with a smile.

George nodded.

"How is the baby?" Ron asked me. I chuckled and said she was doing well. Ron and George both smiled.

"Fred would have loved this." I rub my stomach. Ron and George were a bit teary but smiled They are going to be Uncles of my beautiful daughter. I just hope that, the war will end before I give birth to her. I walked out of the room so they could continue to practice.

When I went back to my room, my stomach felt painful, I look down to see water coming from between my legs. It's happening.

"Harry!" I yelled, "Harry come quick!" the pain grew louder, I was a week early, it was supposed to be at least another week until I give birth. Harry came to the room breathing heavily. He saw me and quickly carried me to the hospital room. It was actually a bedroom but it's where we stored potions, medicine, and basically any medical products we have. I lay on the bed and Harry called in two members. A doctor and a healer. The healer gave me a numbness potion to calm down and so I do not feel any pain from my waist down. The doctor checked the heartbeat of me and the baby.

"You're a week early love, but it's okay, it's normal." The doctor said as he prepared to deliver the baby. I was sweating, and Harry was freaking out. He was about to me a father and I couldn't have been more proud of him. He held my hand and I squeezed it tightly.

"You're doing so good honey." He let out a thin smile. I kept pushing, it was hard but then the doctor said he saw a head, I kept pushing and pushing and eventually, I heard crying. My baby girl was born. I took deep breathes to recover from the pushing process. I wonder why she came back early. The doctor took the baby for inspection and Harry came and gave me a kiss. His lips felt warm and soft. The doctor came back with the baby and I held her in my arms. She stopped crying when I took her in my arms. Harry and I smiled at each other, and kept looking at her. Our baby girl is finally born. Happiness took over the house but, I almost forgot we were in battle. Harry took the baby from me so I could rest. I grew tired and started to fall asleep.

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