Baals in yo mouth

973 29 101

bunny arson: quick what's 8 x 7

tone deaf dj: 15

fake gay pirate: 15?!

party pooper: how are you in college

mom: are you guys cheating again

thing 1: sorry mom

thing 1: what's 9x3

mom: no

probably a vampire: do none of you know basic math

thing 2: venti please tell me you're joking and don't actually think 7 x 8 is 15

tone deaf dj: 8 x 7*

thing 2: its the same fucking thing

bunny arson: guys please just help

vengeance is better served cold: 56

bunny arson: thank you finnally someone with good conscience here

tone deaf dj: what the fuck is a conciencneen

short edgy dude: get help

mommy: how are you this stupid

tone deaf dj: shut up im super smart

ginger manwhore: don't let them bring you down

tone deaf dj: YEAH

sexy: childe did you get a fucking 2 on the test

fake gay pirate: 2?!

mom: please tell me it was just 3 questions

sexy: 2%

book nerd: HOW

food nerd: bro...

ice cream nerd: I would cry

rock n roll: I am crying

ginger manwhore: we agreed to keep this a secret

short bastard: why the fuck would signora keep a secret

ginger manwhore: good point

peepaw: maybe you still need tutoring?

ginger manwhore: yes please

walnut: gay

book nerd: homosexual

peepaw: then you don't mind having Baal tutor you?

ginger manwhore: wait

mommy: I didn't agree to this

peepaw: you owe me a favor

mommy: fine

ginger manwhore: no

ginger manwhore: please

ginger manwhore: I beg you

mommy: is my house ok?

short bastard: of course it is

ginger manwhore: they're going to bully me together no

ginger manwhore: if you find my body in a ditch just know it was them

thing 2: how would we know which did it

broke bitch: if the stab wound is low, it was scaramouche

short bastard: shut up

short bastard: ok sucrose how much for the stuff

sucrOwOse: $50

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