Part 4, Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End

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Reyna Avila Ramírez Arellano, the Himalayan Mountains

As soon as Agatha finished speaking, there was a loud rumble from the east. Reyna turned her head so fast, she hurt her neck. What seemed like a silver cloud was nearing them-and fast. Reyna knew it wasn’t a cloud, and the sight of it was all too familiar. It was an army.

“OH MY GOSH THEY’RE COMING TO KILL US ALL!” Sophie (of the Woods Beyond) yelled. 

“Calm down,” Nico told her, although he looked considerably shaken.

“AGGIE, WHAT DO WE DO!!!!” Sophie screeched. Reyna guessed she wasn’t going to be ‘calming down’ any time soon.

“I don’t know,” Agatha admitted. “We’re far outnumbered.”

“Obviously,” muttered the fire powered girl under her breath.

“We should run,” Dot suggested. “Like, right now.”

“I hate to let this evil army come charging toward the Sanctuary, but I don’t think we have a choice,” Sophie Foster said sadly. “We need to tell someone, anyone, and come back with a plan.”

Reyna wasn’t one to back down from a fight, but she had to admit that it looked hopeless. She grabbed Sophie’s hand and they all teleported back to Havenfield.


Sophie was pacing again, but she wasn’t the only one this time. It had been two hours since they left the Himalayas, and the elven council was still deliberating on what to do. 

“Do you think we could send., I don’t know, an interdimensional SOS to some of our more battle ready friends?” asked Nico. “Because if killing shatters an elf’s soul, then, no offense, I don’t think you will be much help.”

“We could ask a ghost to take a message,” Luna mused. “Do you have ghosts here?”

“No.” All of the elves spoke in unison.

“I see the spirits again,” Luna continued, “brighter than ever before. This must mean something.” She flitted around the room for a few minutes, grasping at the air.

“We’re wasting time!” Hester exploded. “We have to stop Chaos before he takes over this dimension, then mine, then Nico’s, and so on until he’s taken over the universe!”

“But how?” Dot said, bringing the conversation back around to its beginning.

“I THINK I'VE GOT SOMETHING!” Luna screeched, waving her arms frantically.

“Like what?” Nico demanded. “What have you ’got’ that could possibly help somehow?”

A ghost appeared out of nowhere, causing everyone in the room (besides Luna) to scream.

“The Grey Lady?” Ginny asked. “How?”

“I’ve been trying to reach this dimension ever since you two disappeared,” the ghost said breathlessly. “Lately, I have seen visions concerning this ancient being you must fight, and I have seen several outcomes of your battle.”

“Are there any in which we win?” asked Marella.

“A few,” replied the ghost. “The most likely is that you leave here in an hour, bored of waiting, and all get yourselves killed.”

“We don’t want to hear about the futures where we die,” growled Hester. “How do we win?”

“In every future where you win, you begin in the same place,” the ghost informed.

“Where?” asked Sophie impatiently.

 “You already know, you just haven’t put it together yet. It all starts back in Stella Polare.”

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