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Third POV

He looked around for his girlfriend after he done with his work. When he saw a girl that was looking her at phone, he smile and running to her.

“Hi babe!” he said while hugging you from behind.

You quickly let go of him and facing him.

“Sunoo we in public right now, behave dude.” You said in whispered.

“BeHavE dUDe~” Sunoo mocking you and pouted after that.

“Y/n! Sunoo!” Suddenly a girl approached you both.

“Hyejin? What are you doing here?” Sunoo asked his colleague.

“I just done working” Hyejin looked at you and smile sweetly to you.

“Oh, that’s why you going home early.” Sunoo said while nodding.

“Huh? I thought you guys in same team?” You said confused.

“Well, our boss gave us different project.” Sunoo said and putting his hand round your shoulder and smile widely while staring at you.

You both were staring for 5 second and looking back at Hyejin with a smile.

“I don’t understand why you guys always like a couple but actually just a friend.” Hyejin said and walked away while waving you both as a goodbye.

“And I don’t know why we keep our relationship PRIVATELY” You said and glaring at Sunoo.

“You are so cute when you mad.” Sunoo said and pinched her cheeks.

“Whatever I’m hungry.” Y/n pushed his hand and walked away.

* * *

You and Sunoo was now at your house. Both of you just chilling while watching Netflix but Sunoo was looking at you with full of love.

“I love you.”

He said to himself in whispered and even he said to himself, you still can hear it because how close you both.

“I know.” You simply said making Sunoo scoffed disbelief.

“You should say I love you too not I know. Next time I will not say it again." He said and stopped holding your hand.

“I love you KIM SUNOO.” You emphasized his name and holding his hand again.

Sunoo who was mad now turn to a soft boy and hugging You tightly as you both giggled together.

“Sunoo-ahh.” You called his name and looked at him.

“Why did you want our relationship to keep in private?” You sadly asked and pouted at him.

Sunoo sat up straight and stared at your eyes.

“I promise you when I’m ready I will let the world know that you’re my girlfriend.”

After Sunoo said that, you still giving him your sad face.

“It’s been 2 years Sunoo-ahh, are you cheating on me?” You said as you about to cry with your eyes pooling by tears.

“Yah! Don’t cry. Why are you crying?” Sunoo said and cupping your face.

“I’m just afraid that you’re cheating behind me.” You said while sniffing.

“Y/n, I love you too much that I can’t even cheating on you. Trust me okay?” Sunoo looked at you sadly.

You nodded with a pouted.

Sunoo hugged you tightly, afraid you would disappear from him.

“Please Y/n don’t leave me, I need you in my life” he said as his hug tightened.

“S-Sunoo I c-can’t—“Sunoo let go of you knowing that he hugged you too tightly.
You laughed after he let go of you making Sunoo smile by your laugh.

You hold his hand and looking at it but then you frowned.

"Why do your sleeves have red stains?" You said and looked at his sleeve carefully.

"Oh I accidentally broke my red pen in the office and that made my sleeve have a little bit of a stain." He giggled looking at you.

“Why you giggled?” You looked at Sunoo with confusion.

“You are adorable” He said and ruffling your hair.


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