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Sunoo ringing your doorbell at 3am making you opened your door annoyingly because you were doing some random runaway after getting your delivery today. But when Sunoo looked at you, he got confused.

“Why are you wearing that?” Sunoo chuckle, eyeing her that was wearing a dress.

“I-I I was just testing if it was my size.” Y/n said and letting Sunoo in.

“Why are you here at this time? And why you have a cuts on your hand and face?” You said in worried and to took the first aid at your room.

When you come to the living room, Sunoo already sleeping. "Huh? You already sleeping?” You asked as you sat beside him.

Sunoo didn’t reply to you making you sighed. You treated Sunoo cuts and making sure he sleep comfortably.

It was morning and Sunoo woke up after you keeps patting his shoulder.

“Wake up you need to work.”

You said and was about to walk away but Sunoo pulled you for a hugged. He suddenly hissed making you concerned.

“Are you okay?” You sat on the floor and watch Sunoo if he’s fine.

Sunoo looked at you and smile making you melt by his sweet smile.

“What’s wrong with you? You making me crazy.” You said with a frowned but your face still blushed because of Sunoo's smile earlier.

“You making me crazy too Y/n.” Sunoo said as he sat up straight.

“Aishh, whatever.” You said annoyingly while shaking her head.

You walked to the kitchen and took the breakfast to the living room.

“Here eat this and get ready for your work.” You said.

“It’s my day off today” Sunoo said making You looked at him and confused.

“But your day off is on Sunday not Monday.” You looked at him while still confused.

“You not happy to see your boyfriend, huh?” Sunoo said and taking his mushroom soup while holding his pain.

“I’m happy if you not coming to my house at 3 am with full of cuts on your body. You making me worry.” Sunoo eat his bread and keep smiling at you making you annoying.

“I’m sorry?” he simply said.

“Why were you coming to my house at 3am huh?” You said while still mad at him.

“And why were you wearing like a princess last night huh?” Sunoo asked and smile widely at her.

“Sunoo~ I already told you I was just testing it.”

You keep bugging him to tell you but Sunoo still didn’t want to tell you and it’s making you want to give up on asking.

* * *

You was going to buy yourself a coffee but someone bumped to you when you was on your way to the cafe.

“Y/n?” He said.

You looked at that guy and got confused.

“Huh? Do I know you?” You looked at him while frowning.

“Oh sorry, I’m Sunoo’s FRIEND, Sunghoon” He said as he giving his hand for a hand shake.

“Oh… Hi.” You took his hand and smile awkwardly.


Someone’s voice making both of you looking at behind you.

“Sunoo?” You said as you getting confused again.

“Hi Sunoo” Sunghoon said as he smirked at Sunoo.

Sunoo looked at Sunghoon while getting tense.

“I thought you're dead?” Sunoo said making you looked at Sunoo weirdly.

“Well unlucky you and lucky me.” Sunghoon said as his smirk getting bigger.

“Sunoo?” You said and hold his hand gently as you getting scared by Sunoo's deep voice.

Your never saw this side of Sunoo before. You know that Sunoo is a bright person because of his smile but when he talked with his deep voice and his eyes turn to something dark that making you scared was giving her something was not right.

Sunoo and Sunghoon was staring at each other. You hold Sunoo's hand tightly as you pulled him to you.

“Sunoo” You said softly.

Sunoo looked at you and smile sweetly to you.

“I’m sorry, did I scared you?” Sunoo said, not wanting you getting worried so he laughed a little.

“No I’m fine, this Sunghoon guy said you both are friend.” You said as you felt Sunoo's hand getting tighter on you.

“So she’s the one huh? Your GIRLFRIEND.” Sunghoon said while looking at you both with his poker face.

“No we’re just friend”

You cut Sunoo words and looking at them weirdly.

“Sunghoon I’m sorry but I need to go, it’s nice to meet you.” You said and pulled Sunoo away with there.

“I thought you were at home. I rang your bell a thousands of time tho.” He said while holding your hand.

“You know I’m getting suspicious on you nowadays.” You said and glaring at him.

* * *


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