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“Y/n stop sulking.” he said with his pouty mouth making you chuckled.

“I’m not, but I’m still mad at you for not telling me anything but I understand if you still don’t want to tell me anything.” She said and continued scrolling your Instagram.

Sunoo looked at you while still pouting making you looked at him back.

“What?” You looked at him while frowning.

“What did I do to have this kind and beautiful girl.” He said while faking crying making you laughed.

You both cuddled for the whole day and it was about to getting late making Sunoo groaned.

“I don’t want to go home.” He whined.

“Well you need to, you have a work tomorrow.” You said as you walked to the door.

“Fine give me last kiss before I’m going.” Sunoo said so you tiptoeing to gave him a peck.

“I said a kiss not a peck.” Sunoo said as he hold your waist.

You only glaring at him and kiss him again.

“Thanks babe. I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.” He said as he giving his bright smile and going away.

* * *

You was going home late because of your work and today you didn’t get to see Sunoo because he’s busy.

You walk in to your house and straight to the kitchen to drink a cold water. When you walked to your room you saw someone unexpectedly siting down on your bed.


“Yup it’s me dear.” he said and walking closer to you.

He stand in front of you as his hand touching your face. You was so scared that you froze on your spot.

“How did you get in?” You said as you getting shivered by his cold hand.

“That’s my secret.”

Sunghoon getting closer to you making your walking backward.

“W-what do you w-want?” You asked him as your back hit the wall.

“You.” He said and hold your waist making you gasped as youputting your arm on his chest.

“W-what, W-why are you doing this? Aren’t you Sunoo’s friend?” You were so scared to the pointed that you will cry anytime soon.

Sunghoon really tall making you more scared just looking up at him. He getting close to your ear and whispered to you something.

“Your Sunoo is not that innocent guy you always with but cruel person that ever exist.” Sunghoon said and smell your hair that sweet like a candy making Sunghoon want to eat it.

You pushed him harshly making him back just a little because you still not strong enough than him.

“Don’t talk bad about him, he's my friend.” You said while still standing there looking at Sunghoon directly to his eyes.

“Friend? You think I didn’t know you guys a couple, huh? He kill me that day and told me the truth about you guys.” Sunghoon said with a smirk.

“K-kill you?” You shocked by that word.

I thought you were dead.

No…. Sunoo didn’t do that. Y/n thought while shaking her head.

“Well he did.” Sunghoon said as like he know what we're you thinking.

Sunghoon walked close to you again while you was crying and shaking your head.

“No he didn’t do any of that, I trust him.” you said while crying.

“He didn’t told you anything about his work right?” Sunghoon said as he hold your chin to look at him.

“Well this what he told me about you and his work.”


You looked at Sunghoon eyes after what he just said while Sunghoon was smirking to you.

“He never going to let the world know that you are his girlfriend even he promise you Y/n.” Sunghoon's smirk getting bigger.

"He will keep it private until he die."

* * *


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