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You just done brushing your teeth and was about to sleep. As you was about to sleep, you can feel someone was staring behind you.

When you looked behind, Sunghoon was standing there looking at you while smiling creepily making you scared of him.

“Can you not do that? That scares me.” You said as you sat up straight.

Sunghoon just shrugged and continued staring at you.

“So?” He simply said.

“He said he just working at the Park Company.” You looking at him while feeling nervous.

“Well I knew that he would say that, so I prepared this.” He throw the envelope to you making you flinched and fail to catch it.

You hesitated to look inside of it but when you saw the picture that was in the envelope, you gasped.

“N-no.” the picture shows that Sunoo was holding a sniper and was about to shoot someone.

The other picture was Sunoo and Hyejin was holding a gun while killing someone.

The next picture was Sunoo talking with Sunghoon.

And the last picture, Sunoo shot Sunghoon on the chest.

“H-he shot you but you still here, a-alive." You looked at Sunghoon as your tears fall from your eyes.

He come closer to you and wipe the tears that on your cheeks.

“Sunoo and I used to be a best friend. I know him even before you know him, and I know you before he even know you. So basically I had a small crush on you and he doesn't know that. Well more like he pretended he doesn't know that.”

Sunghoon scoffed remembered the old memory.

“Then why he wanted to killed you?” You asked him as you letting him wipe the tears on your cheeks.

“Great question… Well I was working as a spy at the enemy company but when I heard that you both in relationship, that makes him a betrayal as a team and as a friend.”

“But he doesn't know that you like me.” You was getting more sad than you already was.


"Do you even listen to what am I saying to you? He know that I like you but he keeps silent as he likes you too."

"He betrayal his friend and I’m so mad that I told everything about Park Company to the enemy. We made a plan as they made a new plan but I got shot and of course I know that it would happened so I planned to fake a blood and my death. Both of the enemy and Sunoo will thought that I was dead but I got caught when I accidently bumped into you.”

“I don’t unders—“ You was about to talked when someone break into your house as you flinched by the loud noise.

Suddenly Sunoo walked in your room with his gun.

"Sunoo!” You yelled and step back a little as you getting scared by the gun on his hand.

* * *


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