Chapter 16

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Back at the Palace grounds, the Loonatics were all busied up and split until into mini groups with plans for each separate concern.

Lexi gathered the majority of the new recruits and starts discussing with them about who they will up against and what resources would be most helpful.

While Ace had tried to contact with his former boss Zadavia and her brother Optimatus in regards to Deuce's abrupt return to the planet, but was denied of any help.

They claimed that his team, new and old, can all work together with the further belief that Ace is more than capable himself on leading his team against Deuce and his minions.

Maybe she's right, we can stop them. But... how would I be able to help everyone without....hurting him. Ace thought sadly, his fists gripping tightly as he slowly walks over to Lexi inform her of the news.

Rev, on the other hand, was busy sitting next to  a still, unconscious Tech on the floor.

His hand resting very lightly by Tech's.

Even though it had only been a few hours since the incident, it felt like that it'd take forever before he could ever wake up and it was starting to worry him fast.

He may be the weakest member of the Loonatics but, was he really injured that bad?

Could he be in a more critical condition?

Rev thought anxiously.

He didn't want to think the worst, but that option was beginning to come near his mind soon.

As he continued to watch over his best friend, Weather Vane from afar looked at them and felt bad.

She then decided to walk on over to them and spoke up, hoping to help him feel less stressful.

"Don't worry, he's going to be alright." Weather Vane said with a small reassuring smile while placing a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"I guess so. It's my fault for not watching out when one of those fireballs came at me. I was supposed to be the one to get hit, not him." Rev said gloomily.

Of course, Weather Vane didn't stop her support there and kept going.

"You know, he's good person. You all are. And I shouldn't have been so judgmental with any of you in the first place. You were all just trying to do what's right to protect Acmetropolis and I was fool for not seeing the error of my ways sooner. Duck made me realize that I can change for the better and I believe now that if one person could see ourselves as more than just simple villains, then we should all be given that second chance, right?" Weather Vane asked as Rev turns to her and nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, we should. You're right, thanks." Rev said with his facial expression slowly starting to light up a little in hope.

Then, at about a couple of seconds later, they both hear movement and mumbling.

Of course, to Weather Vane, that was the simple signal to go.

"Sounds like he's waking up, I'll leave you guys alone then." Weather Vane said as she walked on back over to the others while Rev whipped his head around just in time to see Tech opening his eyes a little.

"Ugh. Geez. How long was I out?" Tech asked as he sat up to rub his head a little.

When no response was made, Tech looked over at Rev, who was on the verge of tears.

He then formed a concern expression on his face and widen his eyes in confusion.

"Rev? What's wrong?..." Tech was going to ask until he pulled into a hug and was held on tightly. 

"You almost died you idiot! How could you do that to me when....Oof! I should be angry with you right now, but I'm just so glad that you're doing okay." Rev sobbed shakily, his tears running down his face.

"I'm alright. What about you and....why is Lexi and Ace talking to those criminals?" Tech asked, puzzled.

"I'll explain it to you later." Rev said in a still croaked voice as he tries to put on his best smile and locked eyes with Tech, whose heart just about sank deep in agony.

He immediately started to wipe off most of Rev's tears on his face and kissed him gently on his forehead to calm him down.

"It's okay, Rev. Please stop worrying about me. The impact of the hit wasn't even that bad. I told you I'm fine." Tech said softly while cupping a hand to his cheek in reassurance.

"Then why did you that? Risking yourself for something that you didn't even need to do. You knew that I have the ability to get away quick." Rev said, confused as he took the hand from his cheek and held it firmly.

"I don't know. I guess a gut instinct just told me otherwise and I thought that as long as I could get you safe from harms way. That was all that mattered." Tech said as he looks down at the ground and bit his lip a little nervously.

Should he tell him his crazy little reason now?

Is this the best time to say it?

But what if he....

Tech was thinking until Rev interrupted his thoughts.

"Why was my safety your priority?" Rev asked as the two locked eyes again; which made Tech even more anxious and too blushful to tell him.

"Because I......we've been......*sigh. Maybe it's better if I just show you." Tech said with his face burning red as he leaned Rev's face closer and kissed him passionately on the lips.

All of those emotions from their friendship to the hardships that they faced and their inner fears all were combusted up like a firework ready to explode.

And when the two were able to part from the kiss, they look at each other with Rev's eyes watering up again in the mist of his reaction.

It was obvious that he had those same feelings too for a long time. 

He then hugged him again tightly around the neck. 

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Rev said in an uneasy tone as Tech wrapped his arms back around Rev to comfort him.

"It's okay, Rev. I love you too. I won't scare you like that again, I promise." Tech said while the others continued to talk about their plan; with only a few like Weather Vane that noticed the moment and looked on over sweetly smiling at the couple.

Then suddenly at about an hour later, a familiar figure popped into the crowd and whistled loudly to get all of their attention.

"Hey! Over here! Don't I get to be a part of this plan too?" The voice said as they turned their heads and drop their jaws a little.

The voice happened to be Prince Tweetums, who had just escaped from his captors' grasp, save and is happy to help.

Which frankly, made the team got an even more migraine to deal with than is needed for one day.

Great. Is there any more surprises that I should be aware about? Lexi thought, tiredly.

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