A good mistake?

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I suddenly leaned back in shock taking in what had all just happened and more to the point who with.

"George?" I questioned weakly "is that you?" I continued.

"Corse it is babe who did you think it was?" He replied

Babe? Really? hopefully he's drunk and won't remember this tomorrow.

"I-I don't know, George are you drunk?" I questioned him dreading the answer.

"Um no just had 1 beer and half way through my second, why?" He finished.

"What the fuck George why did you kiss me? you can clearly see I have had a few too many!" I whisper shouted trying not to bring any attention towards us.

"I'm -I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to kiss you?" He said sounding slightly confused.

"What are you fucking stupid what made you think that, the fact that I have told you I hate you, or maybe the fact that I try and avoid you?" I said angrily and with that I realised my arms from his grip and walked off. But the weirdest thing was that when I was walking away I felt like I was doing the wrong thing.

Once I got back to my room I slammed the door shut behind me and fell back onto my bed trying to think things through. I still had that feeling of hatred for George, all 4 of the boys in fact. But I couldn't help but enjoy my kiss with George and long for just one more. I couldn't understand why it felt wrong when I walked away from him even though through all of these feelings I still had that hatred for him. Maybe the hatred was for his celebrity styled lifestyle but not him? Well one thing I am sure of is that tomorrow is going to be awkward.

Once again like every morning I woke up to my alarm playing 'I knew you were trouble' by Taylor Swift. It was a lot louder today though. I opened my eyes to see my phone on my pillow right next to my face instead of being on my bedside table. Oh I must of fell asleep whilst on my phone last night. I got up and did the usual routine of washing my face with cold water, having a shower, doing my hair and makeup and changing into my discussing, stupid uniform. I was just leaving, had my hand on the door handle when my phone rang. I looked at it and the name it was displaying was 'Jaymi' so I answered it,

"Hi Jaymi" I said flatly

"Hey Lucy! Um we have a photo shot this morning and your boss has instructed us to take you with us" he finish dragging out the last part because he knew I wouldn't want to come.

"Jaymi I rather wouldn't thanks" I said trying to be polite.

"I sorry Lucy but your boss said that this is part if your job so if you don't do it your fired, seams a bit harsh to me" he replied

"*sigh* right fine i'll meet you in the main lobby in 5?" I asked

"Yeah sounds good, oh and I just thought I warn you George is in a really weird mood today, not sure why though, ok bye" and without even letting me say bye back he hanged up. Oh 'George is in a really weird mood' it better not be about last night. I hardly remember any detail but I remember what happened and my confusion after. I know it was most defiantly a mistake but was it a bad one?


Hiya ;)

So here is Chapter 5, so the mystery man was George are you pleased it was him or did you want it to be someone else? I found it hard trying to decide who the mystery man was going to be, but decided George would play the part well. Do you think Lucy's kiss with George was a good mistake or a bad one? Do you ship Lucy & George? Anyway thank for reading please Comment, Vote or fan.

Thankssssss :D Xx

Oh and P.S sorry this chapter is so short :(

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