Mixed Emotions

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Once the Xtra Factor was done I went on a search for the boys dressing room again. This time I found it a lot easier. I knocked on the door.

"Commmmme innnnn!" I heard come from the inside the room and could tell it was Jaymi. I opened the door to see all the boys sitting on the sofa eating what looks like their dinner.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your dinner" I said backing out of the room.

"No! It's fine honestly come join us" Josh said waving me back into the room. I sat on a chair opposite the boys as they ate.

"By the way you boys were amazing tonight!" I told them.

"Really? You think so, we weren't really sure about the song choice" replied George.

"Yes of course! You were brilliant!" I complemented their performance.

After talking for a while longer about who we thought was going to leave tomorrow night we started walking through the corridors towards the back door entrance where there was a car waiting for us. Josh, JJ and Jaymi were all walking side by side a little in front of me who was walking beside George. We were walking in silence until George decided to change that.

"Lucy, do you remember at Rylans party when I kissed you? Well I'm really sorry, I honestly didn't mean to upset you" George blurted randomly begging for me to except my apology.

"No George it's fine I was really rude to you and I'm sorry about that its just I was in pure shock because I didn't realise it was you. I mean you know I didn't exactly like you back then?" I said trying to not make this too awkward.

"What so you do like me now?" George smirked raising his eyebrows. I playfully nudged him in the ribs as I blushed. Wait what? I never blush. The thing is though as soon as I realised that the boys Weren't the usual celebrity dick heads and were actually nice people I kind fell for George. His gorgeous brown orbs that you could easily stare into forever. His mop of floppy brown hair which always looks so smooth and shinny. His flawless cheekbones and his perfect smile which creates the cutest dimples. He is just gorgeous and has an amazing personality. He's like the boy of my dreams but as I've been spending more time hanging around with all the boys the closer I've gotten to Josh. Josh is the boys of my dreams as well but in so many different ways. Not that either of them would ever go near a girl like me when they have a new celebrity status and could get almost any girl they wanted. I like both of the boys each in different ways.

But which one do I like more?

When we were in the car we talked more about just general stuff. The car stopped round the back of the hotel because the front was absolutely mobbed with paparazzi and fans because they new all the contestants would be coming back to the hotel after the show. We got out of the car and hurried back into the hotel.

"Well we are gonna change before the party, meet you there?" Asked Jaymi.

"Yeah sure i'll come meet you at your room but I'm not really sure in what to wear?" I replied.

"Hey I'll come help you choose an outfit. I'm gonna wear this anyway, I'm liking this outfit" George offered. I nodded my head to say yes and George came with me to my room instead of going back with the boys to change. Walking along the corridor to my room I could feel Georges eyes looking down at me. I looked up and his eyes latched onto mine as he gave me that beautiful smile that gives me butterflies and makes my legs turn into jelly. I smiled in return and looked back down at my feet. When we reached my door I started to unlock it while saying "just letting you know my room isn't a palace like yours it's only small" but George just giggled in reply.


Hello :)

So here's chapter 15 hope you liked it blah blah blah bye :)

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