Sweet Rolls (Brelyna x female!reader)

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It was a normal day at the College of Winterhold. Birds were chirping, snow was glistening in the sun, and students practiced their spells.

"Are you ready to test these spells again, [Y/N]?" Brelyna asked.
I smiled. "Of course! Just... please don't turn me green again. That's not as fun as you'd think it is."

She waved her hand dismissively.
"Oh don't worry about that, I've been practicing so I could perfect this. There should be no turning green this time. But, uh, there's no guarantee you won't become blue, or, or red, or something..." she trailed off.

I facepalmed mentally.
"Alright, let's do this."

Brelyna stood in front of me, and took a deep breath. She raised her hands, bright holographic circles appearing in the air. I gulped, not sure what to expect, as the spell rolled over me.

~Brelyna's POV~

As I finished up with the spell, I looked around. Was I focussing that much on the spell that I didn't notice her leaving..?
Then I looked down. A stifled gasp left my lips as I scooped up the small sweet roll that once was [Y/N].
"Oh, you've done it this time, Brelyna. Now you've turned your girlfriend into a sweet roll. As if the chicken last time wasn't bad enough..."

For what felt like a century, I stood there, chastising myself. What else could I do? The only thing left is to wait out the spell, and hope this doesn't last too long.
Because the last thing I need is someone walking in and-

"Is that a sweet roll? J'zargo would like to eat it, if you will not," the Khajiit purred as he walked in. I turned away and put the sweet rol-
...and put [Y/N], on top of my dresser, before turning back with a false smile.

"Why yes, yes it is a sweet roll. Unfortunately, it's not for your paws, J'zargo. But I'm sure someone else, say, Colette, would have one for you."
That was a lie, clearly, but I knew Colette would keep him busy for a while with her talks about restoration magic. I won't fault her, though, it does come in handy.

"Ah, alright, J'zargo will go and see her now," he muttered before turning on his heels and leaving. I let out a sigh of relief before turning back to [Y/N].

Except she wasn't a sweet roll anymore. She was an apple.
"Oh no... not this again," I sighed. "At least it isn't a bunch of animals this time. We don't need another [Y/N]-cow running around the college, Mirabelle would expel me..."

Picking up the apple, I scanned the area. The door to the Hall of Attainment was closed, thankfully, so no passers-by would see this. No other students were present, so I wouldn't have any explaining to do. In the unlikely event of someone walking in, though, I was prepared to take a bite of the apple. The less suspicious, the better. I'm sure [Y/N] wouldn't mind, right? It is for the greater good, after all. Besides, she studies restoration magic. All she'd have to do is cast a healing spell, and bam, all fixed and ready to go.

How long is this going to last, though? The longer, the less forgiving she's going to be, I can feel it.

Sighing once more, I began pacing around. The only sound audible was the tapping of my boots against the stone ground. My stomach began twisting in knots; what if [Y/N] is stuck as an apple forever?!
There's only one thing for it, another spell. Perhaps recasting the spell will reverse the effects? Hopefully?

So I put the apple on the ground, and took a deep breath.

~[Y/N]'s POV~

Darkness. Darkness. And even more darkness. It felt like I was floating in a sea of darkness, for the longest time. Everything felt unreal, like I was in a dream or something. What exactly did Brelyna do?

Then, as if some sort of miracle, I started to wake up. When I finally came to, I was lying on the ground, head pounding. There was a strong scent of freshly baked apples lingering in the air, as if someone had had a baking session at some point recently. I started to stand up, grabbing my head as the 'dream' filled my mind.

Arms grabbed my waist to keep me from falling.
"I had...the strangest dream, Brelyna," I muttered.
"Yeah...about that..." came her nervous response. "I-I'm just glad you're ok, bubs. Let's get you in bed, you look like your head might burst at any second." She laughed, and I couldn't help but join in.

My questions can wait. All that matters is that I'm here with Bre right now.

My apologies for this being so delayed. I thought I'd published it, but it turns out it was still sitting in my drafts.

Requested by cutefoxix

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