Innocent Tease (Serana x female!reader)

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Just for quick reference, you (the reader) are a Breton. If you're curious, Bretons are also my favourite race.

~ Serana's P.O.V~

I swear, that girl is going to be the death of me...

She doesn't realise it, but she's leading me on. The gentle touches, the swaying of her hips. Even the armour she wears!

I just hope that, once we defeat my father, she'll realise just how deeply in love I am with her.


* * * * *
I followed her into the Ancestor Glade. The Moth Priest said that we could read the Elder Scrolls here.

"[Y/N], are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked again, not entirely sure she knew where she was going.
She giggled. Gods, that sound killed me. Well, I'm already dead, but you get what I mean.

"Of course, silly! This is the Ancestor Glade. I think..."
"You think?" I challenged. Each day we wasted was another day I spent thinking about the inevitable. And I did not want to think about it.

"I mean, this isn't how Dexion described it. He said the Glade would be more... vibrant. Or something like that..." [Y/N] mumbled.
"I'm sure this is it. But even I must admit, this isn't as great as I thought it would be. So if this does end up being a wasted trip, me and your friend Dexion are going to have a few words," I said softly.
I mean, you can't really put the old man at fault. From what it sounded like, he's never visited any of the Glades.

"Hey, Serana?" She asked.
"What will you do if we have to kill your father?"

I faltered. [Y/N] wasn't the kind of person to ask those kinds of questions.

"If?" I started. "I've been assuming that's where all this is going. I'm trying to make peace with the idea. I figured this would end up happening one day, I just didn't know when."

[Y/N] nodded along, listening to everything.
"But won't you feel upset? When we do, I mean?"
"Well, of course. But, it's something that has to be done. Now, let's get moving."

We went further into the area. Still, there was nothing worth mentioning. It was full of dead leaves, decaying plants, and what have you. Not something you'd expect to see in a grove.

An opening appeared. [Y/N] stepped through first, but stopped.
"Oh, what is it?" I asked. Were there creatures to be slain?
"Take a look at this!" She squealed. I moved forward, and took in everything I saw.

"Oh wow, that's not something you see every day..."
She giggled. "No, it's not. How could a place like this have so few visitors?"
"I have no idea," I concluded. Either way, this had to be the Glade.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" She asked, still dazed.
"No, I can't say I have. But I bet that there are small groves just like this all over Tamriel."

We walked closer to the centre, descending a few sets of carefully-carved stairs. In the middle was a giant pillar of light.

"So how are we supposed to attract the moths?" We asked at the same time. [Y/N] started to laugh, and it was infectious. Soon enough, we were rolling around on the floor, holding onto our sides for dear life.
I was the first to stop. I observed the surroundings, taking in everything. A stone centrepiece held some sort of draw knife, similar to the one my mother used to keep, back when she was in Tamriel. Back before... all of this. I stepped towards it.

"I'm assuming you're going to need this."
"Oh! Right, of course! I almost forgot what we were here for!"
I face palmed. Trust [Y/N] to forget.
"So... I just take the thing?" She queried, reaching her hand towards it.
"I guess so. Try not to lose your hand," I added.
"Oh, don't be silly. It's a light, not some sort of magical barrier. I'd know if it were dangerous," she answered back.
"If you say so," I said, rolling my eyes at her.

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