Choice & Sacrifice

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3rd Person P.O.V
A boat sat in the bay where Otto's condemned warehouse once stood before it was sank into the water. A man stood in the boat looking at his watch. Not long after, bubbles started appearing on the surface of the water, before two divers came up, taking off their regulator to breath on their own.

The man on the boat reach down to help one of them, but the person grab onto the boat and pull themselves up and in, with ease. The person removed their mask and hood to reveal themselves to be (Name).

(Name) walk over to a towel on the floor of the boat, that had a few items that were recovered from the bottom of the bay. She kneels down to set a broken piece of the reactor next to the other items.

"Listen lady, we've been at this for two weeks now. Whatever it is you're looking for, it ain't there no more." The other diver said, when climb into the boat and removing his mask. "We have be getting close." (Name) said, not taking her eyes off the recovered items.

"You think we're close just because we found some junk and a pair of goggles?" The diver asked, walking over to pick up the goggles, holding them up in irritation. (Name) leap to her feet, snatching the goggles from the diver, and glaring back at him furious.

"Look. Even if we are close, you're out of money, sister." The diver told her, bumping pass her as he walked into the boat. The other man on the boat look at (Name) with pity. "I'm sorry, Ms. (Last Name). But he's right, we can't keep bring you out here anymore. You're just going to have to let it go." The man then walk into the boat to start up the engine.

(Name) turn to the recovered items, looking at them in sorrow. Besides Otto's goggles, all of the items are pieces of the reactor that must have broken off on the dissent down. She picks up the piece of the reactor she just recovered, glaring at it in anger, before she threw it. It flew so far it was out of sight in seconds, you couldn't even see where it was going to land in the water.

(Name) then walk to the back of the boat, looking out at the bay, watching as the boat started to pull away from the sight. She looks down at the goggles in her hands, before she held them close her chest as she begin to cry. "I'm sorry Otto... I'm so sorry." (Name) fell her knees, hunched over as cries all the way back to the docks.

~Three months later~

(Name's) P.O.V
I stood in front of the mirror of the shared building bathroom, brushing my teeth. Once I was done brushing I rinse my mouth out. I stared at my reflection wiping my mouth, my eyes immediately locking onto the scar on my left cheek.

I frown reaching my hand up to gently run my fingers tips over the cut. It's hard not to think about Otto whenever I see it. I try not to look at it, but it's kind of hard to miss when you're looking in a mirror.

A knock at the door, jolted me out of my thoughts. "Rent?" Mr. Ditkovich asked on the other side of the bathroom door. "Uh.. no?" I answered back. "Then get out. I have a appointment with the toilet." I unlock the bathroom door and squeeze past Mr. Ditkovich, who eyed me as he enter the bathroom.

"Are you alright, (Name)?" Ursula asked, standing in the doorway of her apartment. "Yeah, why?" I asked, stopping to talk with her. "I don't mean to pry but... I heard you crying last night again." I frown, turning away a little.

"Do you need anything? I can make you chocolate cake if you like." Ursula said next. I mustard up a smile and turn back to her. "Thanks Ursula, but I'm alright. Just uh... time of the month and stuff." I said, wishing I gave a better excuse than that.

"Alright. But if you need anything, you know where I am." Ursula said, with a little smile. "I know, you're right across from me. Thanks Ursula." I waved goodbye and enter my shared apartment with Peter, who was out at the moment.

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