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I'm stuck here for a week. Alone. Just me and my thoughts. Which means a lot more hallucinations, flashbacks, memories. The longer I stay here the more I yearn to know who I am. I need to get that file. Why can't they just tell me. How "dangerous" can it be to just know my identity? To just know who I am and who my family was. I saw darkness creeping at the edges of my vision. Another flashback, great. Soon, the blackness had completely obscured my vision and I fell to the floor. I had been handcuffed by a guard and they were now beating me. "That's what you get for trying to escape," the guard said, punching me giving me a black eye. I could now barely see, but I was able to figure out what was happening. I managed to get up and run. The guard tried to chase me but soon gave up and he called for backup. I turned a corner to go down another hall when another guard spotted me. "Stop!" he said. I froze. I backed away, cornering myself, scared of what the guard might do. To my surprise, instead of beating me, he took off my handcuffs. "Follow me," he said, running toward the exit. I chased after him. I was going to be free! Then, I heard a noise. It was a loud, sudden, noise that resonated throughout the hall. A noise none other than a gunshot. It was the other guards, trying to stop me from escaping. Luckily, the gunshot had missed, but the guards were right there. The hope of escaping was gone. A group of guards rushed over and handcuffed me while the others surrounded the traitor. I was then tied up again. I struggled, trying to free myself from the ropes as the guards dragged me off to my cell. The last thing I saw was the guards beating the traitor as my screams echoed through the building. My vision slowly faded back to blackness. I regained my vision to see the guard that had tried to help me, tied up and thrown in a prison cell. He actually wasn't a guard at all, but an escaped convict that had disguised himself as a guard to free the others. A group of guards walked in. "Today's the day, 07," one of them said, taking out a shot. They were going to kill him. I tried to go and attack the guards, but it was like there were invisible ropes that prevented me from leaving the spot where I stood. I cried out, but nobody heard. Nobody's listening. They injected 07 with the lethal substance and his body collapsed. Another killed at the hands of the guards. I woke from my hallucinations, screaming. I was still in the cell without bars, wearing a straight jacket, no interaction with people. The guards didn't come to see what was wrong this time. I never thought this would happen. Locked in the room built for psychos, all alone.

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