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The next morning Violet wakes up in a very good mood.

King: Violet! Eleanor! Grayson!

Eleanor and Grayson quickly make their way to their father.
Violet slowly but surely makes her way to her father.

King: Violet! Quickly!

Violet walks into the throne room.

Eleanor: Yes, Father. What is it?

King: After the press mishap we had yesterday. Your mother and i have decided that Violet will attend boarding school tomorrow.

Eleanor: tomorrow???

Grayson: but, Father.

Violet: that's way too early.

King: Silence, Children!

Queen: Listen to your father.

King: Eleanor, you and your brother will continue to attend the school you are in but you will be there until after dinner each day continuing your learning.

Grayson: Father, We like our spare time here in the palace.

King: and lastly, Grayson my son. You will be becoming a boarding student at your school and will visit on weekends.

Grayson: What did I do??

Eleanor: I don't wanna be here on my own!

Queen: We are aware of your worries and concerns but we think this is the best decision for all of you.

Violet: Yeah, because sending your 17 year old daughter away to a strict boarding school and your 19 year old son to a closer one is a good choice.

King: that is enough Violet.
Go and start packing please.

The children huff and walk up the stairs.

Eleanor: they can't do this! I don't want to be on my own!

Violet: You will be fine, Elle.

They all walk up the flight of stairs and Eleanor makes her way to her room.

Violet checks the time and starts to get ready for the concert.

Grayson: Violet, this is why I tried to tell you that we need to listen.
You've caused not only yourself to be punished but your siblings too.

Violet: I promise Gray, I meant no harm at all. I was just having fun. We never have fun.

Grayson: maybe so, but look at what that little bit of fun has caused.

Violet sighs and Grayson walks to his room to begin packing.

A few hours later it is dinner time in the palace.

The chef has prepared a meal.

The children look at the food infront of them.

Grayson: what is this?

Father: You will learn to eat what people who can not afford like we can eat.

Eleanor: so, peasants?

Violet: Fine by me, their food is surprisingly good.

The children try the food and immediately spit it out.

Eleanor: that is disgusting.

King: Don't be so disgusting.

Violet: Worst thing ever.

Grayson: Guessing not all peasant food is good?.

King: Either you eat the food you are given or you don't eat anything at all.

Violet walks upstairs.

Violet: I'm fine, I don't need food today anyway

Eleanor and Grayson walk to their rooms too.

It is 6Pm, the whole palace is settling for the night.

Violet waits for when the checks are done and walks to her window with her bag climbing out of it.

She walks into town and meets Isabella.

Isabella: Hey!

Violet: Don't be tough on me, a lot has happened today.

Isabella: Oh dear.

Violet: Worst dinner I've ever had.

Isabella: what do you mean?

Violet: My father decided we needed to "learn" to respect what other people eat and decided to give us the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

Isabella: that don't sound great.

Violet shakes her head and makes her way into the concert with Isabella.

Fans go crazy when they see them and start video recording.

Girl: Oh my gosh! It's Princess Violet and Princess Isabella!!

Girl 2: Are they limelights???

Violet smiles.

Violet: We'd appreciate if you didn't post any pictures of us! We're not really supposed to be here.

They all nod and respect their boundaries.

However, one girl decides to be funny and post it.

The Show starts and everyone takes their seats.
Violet and Isabella sit near the front and multiple people wave and say hi to them.

Isabella: *shouting over the music* We're in big trouble if people find out we're here.

Violet: *shouting over the music* I don't think we need to worry about them finding out.. I'm 1000% sure they already have!

The show starts and the boys walk out causing thousands of girls to scream.

Jonah: Hey Guys!

A unbelievable amount of screaming girls gets even more overwhelming.

Violet: Wow, these kids really love their music.

Isabella: that's why I love it so much! Just let loose girl!

Violet: Bella, were royals.. We shouldn't be doing this.

Isabella: says the girl who literally left her palace twice after being told not to.

They listen to the music and dance.

The music slowly stops.

Corbyn:We sure hope all you guys are having an awesome time so far!

Zach: I know I am.

Daniel: Let's take a bit of a rewind and sing some old songs!

The girls start screaming as "All my love" starts to play loudly on the speakers.

The Concert comes to an end and Violet starts to leave.

Isabella: Hold On, Where you going?

Violet: Home?

Isabella: Nah, I got after party passes.

Violet looks at her slightly annoyed.


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