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My name is Princess Lottie.

Or as most people call me Violet Eve Maddon Princess Of Dexton.

I am 17 years old and you're probably thinking what on earth you're getting yourself into right now.

Well, reader. I'm about to take you on a wild ride.

My life is much less ordinary.
But this is no ordinary tale, My life is filled with people bossing me around constantly and telling me where I have to be at a split second.

However, I love teasing and playing with the maids and staff of the palace and im sure that if you knew how much fun it was.
You would do it too.

Anyway, reader.
Let me introduce you to my siblings.
I have two siblings.

My little sister named Elle.
Well, her full name is Eleanor Alicia Maddon.
She just turned 10 and if I'm honest she doesn't leave our parents alone.

Our father is the king and Eleanor thinks that because we're made of money that she can boss them around all the time.
We'll literally tell her something like this.

Mother: Eleanor, sit straight.
And she'll respond with something like.

Eleanor: Mother, why do we have to be so preppy. We have money! Can't we do whatever we want?

Shes a bit bonkers if you ask me..

Anyway let's get onto my second sibling.

The eldest of the family.
My older brother Gray.
Full name is Grayson Fox Maddon.
He is almost 20.
Don't get me started on him.

He literally bosses us around.
If we're out of line he will literally tell us straight.
For example, I will literally be minding my own business just casually walking and he'll casually walk beside me and say.

Grayson: Lottie, Stop slouching. Walk elegantly and slow.
You don't want the peasants to catch you acting so unroyal like.

Violet: Oh, dear brother.
You know I don't listen to rules.

Anyway, that is all I have for introduction.

As my maids get me ready for the day I run down to the dining hall.

Queen: Violet, We do not run! We slowly and elegantly walk.

Violet sighs and walks as she is told.

Violet: I dislike being royal very much you know.

King: Unfortunately, you were born into this family!
So, you will do as you are told and follow the rules like everyone else.

Violet mutters under her breath quietly.
Violet: Yet, I didn't ask to be born.
Grayson: Lottie!
They all sit and eat.
After the food Violet gets up as she is supposed to.
Queen: Children, You have school today so I would expect you to be in the carriage by 7:15.

Sorry Reader,
You're probably confused.
Royals go to a special Royal school.
It teaches us how to rule when it is our time and we also learn like any normal peasant child.
Except, we have money.

Grayson, Eleanor and I walk to the carriage.
Grayson: Now, Dear Sisters.
Especially you Lottie.
I expect you to atleast not be a total embarrassment at school.
Eleanor: Remember, brother. We don't make promises.
*she smiles*
Lottie: Eleanor, don't be an idiot.
Grayson sighs and the carriage takes of to the Royal school.


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