Chapter 8.

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The lady knocks rather tough on the door.

"Adelaide! Unlock this door! Right this instance!" She yells.

A young girl opens the door.

"I apologise Ma'am.. I didn't hear you." she nods quickly.

"Hm, well young lady.
You'd better hope thats what happened.
I'm gonna call a room check." She nods and walks inside on the phone.

"Headmistress, hello. We need a room check in room 402." She nods looking around.

The headmistress quickly arrives.

"Young ladies, let's hope you're not hiding anything." She looks at Adelaide and I sternly.

I turn towards Adelaide.
"Uhh, hi. I'm Violet.." I nod.

"Adelaide" she looks at me panicked.

I go closer to her and whisper.
"You've got someone in here dont you?"

She quickly nods.

"Right, let's get this over with." The headmistress begins to check every surface, corner, draw and door.

The Administrator helps look until the headmistress opens the wardrobe and finds one of the boys in there.

"Mr Benjamin Adler Charles.
Get out of there right now" she says sternly.

"Adelaide Rae Johnson and Benjamin Adler Charles. Both of you come with me. You are in terrible trouble." She shakes her head.

I look at them shocked as they leave the room and begin to unpack.

"So, boys aren't even allowed near us?" I question to myself.

A bell rings and I start to panic not knowing what to do.
I hear a knock at the door.
I walk towards it and open it.

"Hi! You must be Violet! My name is Cleo!" She smiles.

"Hi, Can I help you?" I look at her confused.

"Are you ready? I'm here to take you to your first lesson!" She nods.

"No, I've barely finished unpacking." I look at her.

"Be quick, we can't afford to be told off." She hurries.

I grab my bag and walk with her.

"So, you're a Princess?" She looks at me.

"Yep" I sigh.

"Most kids here are from Celebrity Families." She nods.

"What about you?" I look at her.

"Me?" She looks back.

"Yeah, What made you come here?" I watch her.

"Well, my parents adopted me and because they were so busy with their jobs, I was sent here.. It's sad but I guess i have a bed, food etc." She nods.

"That sounds awful" I look at her sadly.

"Well, were here." We stop at a class and the door opens to everyone standing as we enter.

"Good Morning Ladies!" The lady looks at us.

"Morning Ma'am" Cleo curtsies.

I quickly curtsy and follow Cleo.

At the end of class Madame Maryweather stops me.

"I hear you haven't done any work. It's very enjoyable." She looks at me.

"I won't ever enjoy being imprisoned in this preposterous place." I sneer.

"Well, you have a clever little tongue and wait you'll enjoy that." She shakes her head.

"I'm not staying here." I scoff.

"At my wonderful school in which you will continue to be a student at.
You will learn how to be a young lady and of course, you will make many new friends." She smiles.

"I don't need new friends.
I already have my own at home and I'm not staying here at your ridiculous school!" I yell.

Madame Maryweather slaps Violet across the face.

The next class is with Madame Maryweather.

Violet takes her seat.

"You are here for one reason and one reason only.
You are here to be made into respectful, kind and obedient young ladies.
How do we laugh? We laugh lightly."
She demonstrates as all the girls copy.

"You all have the potential but you are uneducated, untested and most of all untrained..
You will walk as we show you.
Eyes up and head straight.
You will speak when spoken to and only when you are spoken to.
If you act and do as we tell you.
You will become wonderful women, beautiful wives and of course Violet, you will become a dashing Queen." She nods.

They start to learn to eat a certain way, dress a certain way and walk a certain way.
Its dinner time and Violet is eating like she usually does.
The girls opposite her begin to laugh at how she eats.
Violet being Violet gives them a piece of her mind and slams her hand on her food making it fly towards them and landing all over them.
Madame Maryweather stands up which makes everyone put down their cutlery.

She brings Violet to her office and talks with her.

"Do you know why I do what I do?.
It is because I want to make people happy."  She looks at me.

"I want you to live a full and vibrant life.
Not with anger and endless questions but with answers.
I prepare every girl that comes here for the world.
For the real world and I would never put anything before you Violet or leave you to fend for yourself."

I look at her shocked.

"Yes, your mother told me." She nods.

"My father has his reasons.." I say looking away.

"I am very sure that he does.
I know your father.
Your mother and I were friends for awhile at school.
Your father was so eager to get to know her.
He was always unpredictable and always up for a challenge.
He was rather violent and short tempered.
He never cared for anything but to make his name look good."

"Both, my mother and my father care for me." I sneer.

"Then why are you here?" She looks at me and begins to leave.

"Prefects will come to collect you and return you from lessons, other than that this door is to remain locked.

Suddenly everything goes numb.
Her voice is just a echo in the back of my mind and everything is black.
Did my parents really send me away because they don't want me?.

"You'll thank me.
One day when you are happily married to a wonderful husband with children and ruling the country." Madame Maryweather says as she leaves.

"Sleep Well, Violet." She nods.


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