Chapter 7

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I climb up the tree and through my window.
Luckily, everyone is asleep so nobody saw me come out or back in.
I finish packing my bags for Boarding School and put on  pyjamas for bed.

I get into bed and eventually fall asleep.


I get woken up by my maids to put on my uniform for boarding school because the headmistress is picking me up soon.

"Uniform!?" I say confused.

"Yes, Ma'am. The King requested as it is apart of the school policy" they nod.

"I'm not gonna wear a piece of shitty uniform even if you try to make me" I blurt out a little annoyed.

My father walks into the room after hearing me.

"Well, Violet.
That's exactly what you're going to do.
The headmistress of the boarding school is coming to collect you and has said if you are not ready in the next hour then she will force you herself" he nods.

"That's like illegal" I look at him a little astonished.

"Well, not so sure about illegal as I am the king and most rules are made by me" he looks at me.

"Whatever" I sigh.

"I want you dressed and in the dining room with your stuff in 20 minutes." He hurries.

"Of course "your majesty" right away" I quote with my fingers while fakily smiling.

"Quit it with the sass too" he looks at me annoyed.

I quickly stop knowing that if I were to carry on he would hurt me in some sort of way.

I change into the awful preppy uniform and the maids carry my things downstairs.

I look outside to reveal a bunch of paparazzi waiting for me to leave and notice a few familiar faces.

"Great, they're already here.
Wait, is that the boys from yesterday?" I look stunned.

Isabella and Theodore were already there as they're my best friends and had promised to take care of Elle for me.

I walk to the dining room as I was told and get a few looks.

"You look very smart, my dear" my mother smiles lightly.

I smile a little back.

"Right, come along Violet." My father chants quickly.

"Yes, Father" I sigh.

I quickly hug Grayson and hug Eleanor who are also ready for school and we all walk out to the Headmistress car.

Grayson and Eleanor walk to the carriage that takes them to school while I am stopped at the top of the stairs.

"King Charles! Today is Princess Violet's first day at the boarding school! How are you feeling." they wave a microphone in our faces.

My father puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Young Violet must be getting to school now, but I am very happy to know she will be well mannered while she is there." He nods.

I shake my head a little trying not to tear up knowing im not gonna see anyone that I know for a long period of time.

The headmistress of the school pulls up and two body guards protect her way through the crowd to me.

I try to walk away and my father presses a buzzer in which causes the guards to grab me and escott me back to him.

Daniel looks at me. "I never knew being a royal seemed this tough and we thought we had it bad."

"Well, boys. Welcome to the life of a royal. If we do something wrong after 3 strikes at royal school. This happens." Theodore nods.

"And we can't do anything but watch it happen." Isabella looks at them.

"We should get going before we are late for school" Theodore quickly nods.

"Yes, bye boys." Isabella smiles and blows a kiss and a heart my way.

The headmistress walks up to me.

"Well, Hello Violet. My name is Madame Maryweather" she smiles brightly.

I look at her disgusted.
I mean, she literally wears a massive feathered type of hat and an expensive looking long dress.

"Hi." I smile trying not to laugh as she shakes my hand.

"We will rub that look right of your face won't we." She nods.

I look confused at her.

"I'm not uneducated on looks or thoughts Miss Madden. Now, come along" she hurries.

I stay where I am not following her and she quickly turns around.

"Miss Madden, I will count down from 10. If you are not by my side following me to the carriage by the time I get to 1. I will get the guards to bring you myself." She quickly nods.

I take a deep breath and stay where I am risking it big time.

"You leave me no choice, young lady.
Guards, please escort Miss Madden to the carriage." She smiles at me.

I look at them rather afraid and quickly try to move out of their way.
The guards grab me and my stuff and start to drag me to the car.

"Get the fuck off me! You can't force me!" I yell.

"We do not use that language, Miss Madden." Madame Maryweather nods.

I get put in the carriage on the side with the locked door and window.

"I hate you all" I yell.

The Headmistress sits next to me as the carriage starts to take off.

"MOM!!! DON'T LET THEM DO THIS TO ME MOM!" I yell while trying not to break out in tears.

"Ignore her sweetheart" the king comforts the queen as they walk inside.

"One last question sir!" The paparazzi shouts.

"No more questions please" he nods as they shut the palace door and guards begin to move the paparazzi out of the palace gates.

Madame Maryweather looks at Violet.

"Such a pretty girl but such a strong scented attitude that we do not need." She shakes her head.

"I like the way I am. If you don't you can piss off." I sniff.

We arrive at the Boarding School and Madame Maryweather walks me inside.

"Now, you will have a spare set of uniform in your wardrobe.
You will have a sheet of all the rules and what we would expect." She nods.

"Cool, okay.  I don't care" I shake my head still upset

"We won't have that attitude young lady" she shakes her head.

"Attitude?" I look at her with a raised brow.

"The only attitude your gonna see is if you try making me do something I don't want to do.
Oh, hold on. You are.
Thats exactly what's happening right now." I scoff.

She gives me a look that makes me rather uncomfortable.
"You will be shown to your dormitory shortly." She nods and I take a seat in a waiting area.

A lady who looked quite nice walks up to me.

"Hi, you must be Violet?" She smiles.

"Yeah, thats me" I nod.

"Follow me, ill show you to your dormitory." She nods and walks to the dorms.

I smile and slowly follow.

"So, you will be sharing with one other girl who is well behaved.
Her name is Adelaide." The woman looks at me.

I walk with her and we stop at a door that has mine and Adelaide's name on.


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