Pregnant & Engaged

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November 13th, 1996

Michael and Lisa got divorced and Michelle was very upset cause now, she really needs a mother.

But then Michael married to Debbie Rowe, Michelle was pleased and excited cause she's going to be a big sister in February.

Michelle felt pretty sick so Debbie brought her a pregnancy test.

She went to the bathroom and it was.......... positive.

"I'm 1 month pregnant and Debbie I'm only 19" said Michelle.

"How are you going to tell Sean and your dad?" Said Debbie

Michelle told Debbie that she'll tell Sean first and her dad.

"What am I going to do?" said Michelle, "don't worry I will help you" said Debbie

"Thanks stepmother" said Michelle.

Michelle saw Sean outside so she went outside at the fountain and said "Sean we know we've been together for 3 years and I have to tell you something".

"Then what is it honey" said Sean

"I'm pregnant" said Michelle

Sean was shocked and then he said "its wonderful", Michelle was surprised and feel so happy that he's happy.

"But there's something I have to tell you too" said Sean

He kneeled down and pull out a ring, Michelle was shocked and he said "we met since I was 13 and you were 11 in your dad's movie Moonwalker, we've been together for 3 years, and you been the love of my life, so Michelle Katherine Jackson, will you marry me?".

Michelle almost cried and said "yes", he put the ring on her finger and kissed and she said "come on let's go tell daddy that I'm having a baby".

They went inside to tell Michael that Michelle's pregnant.

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