Elizabeth Knows

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9 year old Elizabeth and 6 year old Joseph were at their backyard, playing along with Prince.

Michael was visiting Michelle and Sean cause they haven't seen them a long time.

While at the backyard, the kids were at the table, talking about what's going on and everything.

Joseph and Prince knows that their grandpa and father is Michael Jackson, but Elizabeth doesn't know, but she knows Michael Jackson.

"How come grandpa always so busy all the time, of course he has some songs out and stuff?" said Elizabeth.

"Yeah like lots of songs" said Joseph.

"Well come on Elizabeth, he is Michael Jackson" said Prince.

Immediately, Joseph shush him and Elizabeth was confused.

"Uh I mean it's not the case that our family and everything" said Prince.

Elizabeth looked at Joseph and said "Joseph, is this true, is Michael Jackson our grandfather?".

Joseph whistled and she said "so it is true".

Elizabeth got upset and ran into the living while Prince caught her and said "Liz, I am so sorry".

Michelle, Sean and Michael came in and Michelle said "what's going on".

Elizabeth went up to them and said "for 9 years, you guys didn't get a time to tell me that my grandfather is Michael Jackson the King Of Pop".

They were shock and Michelle said "who told you that?".

"Uncle Prince" said Elizabeth.

"I didn't mean to Michelle, Sean and dad" said Prince.

"I can't believe that my own mother and father been lying to me since the day I was born" said Elizabeth, running upstairs and shut the door.

Michelle glared at Prince and said "when I found out that daddy was Michael Jackson, I was about 8, so just imagine what I am doing to you", Michael and Sean grabbed her and Sean said "you know it's time tell her the truth dear".

So Michelle, Sean and Michael came into Elizabeth's room, they saw her lying on her bed, crying, Michelle sat on her bed, rubbing Elizabeth's head and said "Elizabeth, we are so sorry that we didn't tell you the truth".

Michael looked around Elizabeth's room and said "this is cool, I should get those in my place".

"Daddy" said Michelle

"After we are done this family secret thing" said Michael.

Elizabeth went up when Michael sat next to her and said "sweetie, ever since the day after you were born, we thought you were never going to get a normal childhood, I tried to do the same thing with your mom when she was little, but it didn't go so well".

Elizabeth thought and said "is that why you, mom and dad wanted mine and Joseph's faces be covered when we go out".

"Exactly" said Sean.

"Hey um Sean, how about lets get daddy and Elizabeth have alone time" said Michelle.

Sean agreed and they left.

"Hey, do you want to know what I do to your mom when she was little when she gets upset" said Michael

"What grandpa" said Elizabeth

"Oh this" said Michael, then he starts to tickle her and Elizabeth was laughing so hard and begging him to stop.

Then he picks her up and spin her around her bedroom.

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