Telling Michael

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Michelle and Sean went to the living room, Michael and Debbie was on the couch.

Michelle sit next to Michael and told him that her and Sean are engaged and Michael and Debbie were so excited.

And Michelle said "everything is so great daddy, your going to be a father again and your going to be a grandfather" she cover her mouth and saw her dad.

"Grandfather?" said Michael

He stand up and said "Michelle Katherine Jackson, are you pregnant?".

She said while she got up "ok before you get mad, you know how young you were when you found me".

"Michelle, you and Sean are going to raise the baby here in Neverland got it" said Michael

Michelle and Sean look at each other and said "ok", Michael was about to go but Michelle said "daddy?", He turn around and she said "your not mad?".

Michael said with a smile and said "no, I'm Happy, IM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA", he said so happy around the house.

When Michael was at his HIStory tour, he told his fans that's he going to be a grandfather, the fans was overjoyed.

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