Elizabeth's Lullaby

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Few Days Later

Michelle was feeling alright since the birth.

Michael was taking few days off for his HIStory tour to help Michelle and Sean to take care of their daughter.

One night, Michelle and Sean were sleeping until they heard Elizabeth cry and Michelle was groaning, so she went up to get her but then she saw Michael went out of his room to Elizabeth's nursery.

Michelle took a little peek of the nursery, seeing Michael picked up Elizabeth, cradling her and said "now now Lizzy, grandpa's here", then he started to singing "Childhood" to her, he put Elizabeth's head on his shoulder while he rubs her back.

He sat on the rocking chair with Elizabeth while singing, Elizabeth almost calmed down to hear her grandfather's singing voice and Michelle almost cried to see this memory when her dad is taking care of his granddaughter.

Sean came up to Michelle, checking on her and then he saw Michael singing to his newborn daughter, he puts his hands on Michelle shoulder and she puts her head on his chest.

Then Michael was still singing, Elizabeth fell asleep, when he almost done, he got up, kiss her head and gently put Elizabeth down to her crib, he rub her head with his thumb.

Michelle and Sean went back to their master bedroom.

She said to Sean "oh Sean, I bet my mother would been so happy for him and us, but it's so sad that she's not here to be the grandmother of our daughter".

"Everything is going to be alright" said Sean.

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