Chapter 15: Second Chances Don't Exist

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*Lyric's POV

I threw my self on the couch and sighed. I was with Chris, Sam, Tiara, Annabel, Trevor, and Ricky. We had just finished jumping around to All Time Low. I was happy and a little tired.

"Hey, guys, we should go see Kian and JC." Ricky said.

"Ricky!" Sam whispered harshly while elbowing Ricky in the side.

"No. It's ok. Let's go." I said smiling.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I can't avoid them forever." I said.

"Ok." Trevor said as he grabbed Annabel's hand and ran out the door. Sam chuckled and ran upstairs to grab his skateboard.

"Grab mine too!" I yelled up to him. I stood at the bottom and waited for him to get back with them. He came down soon with my skateboard in his hand. I took it and went outside. O threw it down and got on it.

As I pushed off, Sam had just threw his down and gotten on it. I giggled and pushed off again.

"Are we racing?" Sam yelled.

"Maybe..." I said looking back at him.

"FIne." I heard him say but he sounded closer. I looked back and saw that he was about 2 feet behind me. I sped up, kicking off again. Sam copied my actions and stayed the same length away from me.

"Guys! Slow down!" Ricky yelled. I smirked and went a little faster.

"Sam!" I heard Tiara yell. I looked back and saw that Sam had grabbed her and was holding her while he was skating. I smiled as they kissed.

"Cute!" I yelled to him. He smiled at me.

"I try." He said. I laughed as we arrived at the house.

I still had a small amount of fear as I entered but I fought it back and told myself that it was time to face them.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when I saw that neither Kian or JC was in the room. I sat my skateboard down and leaned it against the wall. I slipped off my shoes and ran into the living room. I threw myself on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw Kian.

" invited me." I said.

"Well, Ricky shouldn't have." He said.

"Well, he did." I said looking away.

"Fucking hate you." I heard him mumble.

"Really? Because the other day, you were all about getting back together." I said.

"No. I wanted to be friends." He said.

"Not what you said on the phone." I muttered.

"What?" He asked.\

"I said that's not what you said on the phone." I said with my voice getting louder.

"You said you didn't want to get back together, Lyric." Kian said.

I got irritated and grabbed his jaw, smashing my lips against his. He kissed back. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth, letting him in. His tongue explored my mouth before he pulled away and started kissing my neck. I moaned and pulled him down so he was on top of me.

He slipped his hands under my shirt and pulled it off. I threw his off as he started kissing my neck again and down my stomach. RIght as he was about to pull my shorts off, we heard someone clear their throat. We looked up and saw Annabel there.

"Hey Annabel..." I said trailing off. Kian climbed off of me and grabbed my shirt handing it to me. He slipped his shirt on and looked at Annabel.

"Hey..." He said.

"So we were gonna go to El Tapitio, if you wanna come with us. Unless, your too busy." Annabel smirked glancing at Kian.

"Um. No. I'll be out in a second." I said. "And, Annabel, can you not tell anyone?" I asked.

"I don't want to speak of it." She said walking out.

"Kian, I do still love you. You don't have to believe me and I don't expect you to. But I just thought you should know." I said standing up.

"I know you do. I still love you too." He said walking up to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. He kissed me again before he spoke. "But I don't give second chances." He said walking away.

"Kian." I whispered. My eyes filled with tears as I ran out. I grabbed my skateboard and skated to Chris's hotel. I went up to his room and knocked on the door. Crawford answered and gave me a concerned look.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"No. C-can I see Chris?" I asked.

"Yeah. One sec." Crawford said. Chris came to the door a few seconds later with a concerned look plastered on his face. As soon as I saw him, I threw myself into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked holding me.

"You'll hate me." I said.

"No. I promise you that I won't hate you." He whispered.

"I kissed Kian." I whispered against his chest.

"Oh." He said. He loosened his hold on me for a second before tightening it once again.

"I-I'm sorry Chris." I said.

"It's ok. But I do think we should break up. Just be friends." Chris said. I nodded against his chest.

"One more kiss?" I asked looking up at him. He gave me small smile before kissing me one last time.

"Now why are you so sad?" Chris asked pulling away.

"Because second chances don't exist." I said.

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