Chpater 16: Dad?

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*Lyric's POV
I was sitting on the stairs waiting for mom to get back. She said she had a surprise for me and told me to wait outside. I sighed and dropped the stick I had been using to draw in the dirt.

It had been a month since that incident with Kian and since Chris broke up with me. We were still friends. We still talked alot. It was pretty good.

"Lyric? Are you ready for your surprise, honey?" I heard my mom's voice.

"Yeah!" I smiled. She smiled back and opened the back door. I watched in curiousity as something jumped out of the car.

"Surprise!" My mom yelled as a little black puppy ran up to me. He sniffed me hand as I smiled. I picked him up and pet behind his ears.

"What kind is he?" I asked.

"He's a pit bull. He's your dog. What are you gonna name him?" She asked.

"Jaxx." I replied with a smile. She smiled at me and walked in. I held Jaxx close and walked inside. I sat him down on the floor and let him walk around.

"You have to train him." Mom said.

"I will. Thanks. Why did you get him for me?" I asked.

"You have been so sad since Kian and JC. I thought this would make you happy. Did it work?" She said.

"It worked mom. Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome." She said. I hugged her and she hugged me.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Let's work on training Jaxx." Mom said smiling.

"Jaxx!" I called. He looked up at me from the floor but then looked right back down at the floor. "Jaxx!" I called again. The small black dog ran to me and livked my hand.

"Ok. Try sit." My mom told me.

"Jaxx, sit." I said. He tilted his head at me and I giggled. "Sit." I repeated pyshing down on his butt. He sat down for a second then stood back up. "Jaxx!" I yelled as he ran away.

"Well, at least we started." Mom chuckled.

"Yeah. Maybe we can try again later." I said with a small giggle.

"Maybe." She said as a knock sounded through the house.

"I'll get it." I said walking to the door. I pulled it open and saw a man I never thought I'd see again. "Dad?" I asked.

"Hello Lyric." His deep voice said.

"Lyric, honey, who is it?" Mom asked.

"No one." I called stepping outside.

"What do you want?" I asked shutting the door.

"I want to be in yours and your mom's life." He said.

"Well, we don't need you." I sneered.

"Lyric, look at yourself. Your covered in tattoo's and your lip is pierced. I think you do need me. And your mom needs to be taught a lesson about letting you do this to yourself." He said.

"I did this to myself. She wasn't with me until I got my second tattoo. And your lessons aren't needed here." I said.

"Let me into the god damn house, Lyric." He said with his voice dangerously low.

"Or what? You need to go away from here. I don't want to see you. Mom doesn't want to see you. No one here wants to see you." I yelled.

"Get out of the way." He yelled. I stepped towards him.

"You can't tell me what to do anymore. I don't listen to rapists." I said.

"You listen to me. I am your father." He said.

"No your not. My father is a good man who wouldn't hit a woman or girl. He wouldn't rape his own child. My father isn't like you. He would never stoop to your level. You are just the sperm donor." I said. He looked at me surprised. "Now you get the fuck out here. Right fucking now." I said walking in the house and slamming the door.

"Who was that honey?" Mom asked.

I broke down and started crying. Everything sucked so bad right now. Kian didn't love me anymore. He didn't want to be with me anymore. JC fucking hated my guts, not that I could blame him. And now my dad shows up out of nowhere.

"Was it Kian or JC?" Mom asked.

"No. I-it was d-d-da-" Mom shushed me before I finished.

"Shh. It's ok, baby. It's ok." She soothed me. I had a harsh hold on the collar of her shirt as I cried.

"M-mom, I-I'm sca-scared." I said.

"It's ok, baby. I am too." She said.

"What d-do we d-do?" I asked.

"There's nothing we can do. Just stay away from him and I want one of your friends with you at all times." She said.

"Ok. I promise." I said.

"Ok. Now, I have dinner made. Come on." She said.

I am so scared. So, so scared.

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