17: She's Been Through To Much

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Adora's POV

The cut on my finger stings, and I grit my teeth so I don't cry out.

We're finally back at Bright Moon, and now Catra is taking me to the infirmary to get stitches, which I'm not happy for. I think I have enough of those.

Catra knocks on the door and a doctor with gloves on opens it. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" They ask. "She cut her finger, I think she might need stitches," Catra responds. The doctor nods and motions for us to come inside.

I walk into the room and sit on the bed, already knowing what to do.

"I'll give you the stitches on your finger, but if you don't mind I'd also like to see how well your stomach is healing," they say while preparing everything. "Yeah, that's fine."

The doctor finishes and comes over to me with a needle and the stitches. "I'm going to give you this, it'll numb the area so you won't feel the stitches go in." I nod and the doctor pokes me with the needle containing the numbing stuff.

After a moment I can't feel my fingers, like I've been outside in the cold for to long.

The doctor takes no time in giving me stitches, within a few minutes they're done. 

"Okay, now for your stomach, if you'll just lay down for me." I slowly lay down, it hurts a bit, but it doesn't stop me.

I take off my jacket and the doctor gently pulls up my shirt, and gasps.


Catra's POV

The doctor gasps and I immediately start panicking. 

"W-What's wrong? Did something happen? Is she going to die?" I ask frantically. "No, probably not, it's just the wound is bruising much more than it should... Does it hurt at all?" The doctor asks.

"Not really." Adora responds. The doctor just nods her head in response. "That's good. Well, until it gets worst I can't do anything to help you, just in case something will happen."

Adora nods as the doctor pulls her shirt back down, covering her stomach.

"You're free to go," the doctor smiles. 

Adora gives her a small smile back before walking past me and out of the room.


Adora's POV

I walk past Catra while putting my jacket back on and out the door. I don't really want to talk to her, I know she'll only ask me if I'm okay, and I don't want to hear that, or see her face. The only thing I'll find is her being hopeful.

"Adora, wait up!" I hear her yell from behind me. I walk faster, I should've known better to do so, because it hurt my stomach.

A jolt of pain shoots through my body and my hands immediately fly to my stomach, and I stop.

Catra catches up to me and she puts her hands over my shoulders. "Are you okay, Adora?" She asks. There it is. I look at her face, and to no one's surprise, hope and fondness is written across her face, clear for anyone to see. 

I wish she could hide it better. Seeing that hopeful look makes me feel worse. I know I won't change. I'll always have nightmares of Horde Prime. I'll always push her away because of them. If only she had let me die, all of this wouldn't have happened. I'd be in a better place, with Angella.

"I'm fine," I reply sharply, shrugging her hands off my shoulders as I continue walking, away from her. 

I hear her footsteps chase after me, and I don't bother speeding up, because I know the pain will only stop me again.

I feel like I'm almost at my room, and I was right, but before I can go in, Catra grabs my shoulder and turns me around, so I'm facing her.

"Adora, tell me the truth." Catra looks at me, hope still written across her face. "No," I reply. 

Her face changes at my response, she's angry now. "Why?! Why won't you tell me?!" She yells. "Why didn't you leave me to die?! You would've been so much happier, you wouldn't have to deal with me. You could've just let me bleed to death. You could've let Horde Prime kill me, but no! You come back for me!" I yell back. 

Catra's face changes once again, only for a second she's surprised, but then it disappears. 

"Because I love you!" 

My eyes widen, and my mouth hangs open. 'S-She loves me?'

I stay like that for a moment, but then I realize everything I've done to her. 

I left her with Shadow Weaver, the person who abused her behind my back. I left her there without even saying goodbye. She was without me all those years, and it was my fault. Just because I couldn't make her come to Bright Moon with me.

"Then stop. I cause everyone to much trouble, to much pain. It'd all be so much easier if I were to die. If you had left me there." I pause a moment before saying anything else. 

"You shouldn't love me, b-because I don't love you." I sniffle as the tears stream down my face. I don't care if she sees them, but I don't think she does. Her eyes are filled with tears too.

I remember I found my jacket earlier in the morning, and I'm wearing it.

I take it off, and hand it to her, thrusting it into her arms before walking into my room, and shutting and locking the door.

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