chapter three

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After they get out of the air vents and walk to a near by gas station as the four of them walk in as Logan and Laura went to the bathroom as Natasha and yelena went inside

Natasha: the red room is still active then where is it

Yelena: I have no idea  he moves location constantly and every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security

Natasha: I just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off my radar

Yelena: well it's not smart to attack an avenger if you want to stay hidden  I mean the clue is in the name  dreykov kills you  one of the big ones comes to avenge you

Natasha: wait  what are the big ones

Yelena: well I doubt Logan has to take an ibuprofen after a fight 
where did you think I was all this time

Natasha: I thought maybe you got out
Made a life for yourself  had a family

Yelena: ha bullshit  we can't all be lucky as you are  plus you just didn't want your baby sister to tag along with you whilst you saved the world with the cool kids

Natasha: you weren't really my sister

Yelena: and the avengers aren't really your family  but I can see he does care about you

Natasha: and I care about him

Yelena: then why does he or his daughter don't know your history

Natasha: because that was my past  their my future

Yelena: sure    why do you always do that thing

Natasha: do what

Yelena: that thing you do when you're fighting the  like the (does Natasha's fighting pose ) this this the that you do when you wip your hair while you're fighting and you do like a fighting pose
(Laughs) it's a (laughs) it's a fighting pose  you're a totally poser

Natasha: I'm not a poser

Yelena: (laughs) oh come on I mean they're great poses  but it does looks like you think everyone's looking at you
I mean Logan might like that but whatever

Natasha: yeah well all that time that I spent posing I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused trying to be more then just a trained killer  and it seems like I got rewarded for that
(Meaning Logan and Laura)

Yelena: well then your fooling yourself
Because pain and suffering is everyday and we're both still a trained killer
Except I'm not the one that's on the cover of a magazine  I'm not the killer that little girls call their hero

As she walks out of the gas station as Natasha payed for the stuff they bought

Cut to later at night as yelena is using alcohol to try and clean her Cut as Natasha came by with three beers for her Logan and  yelena and a soda for Laura as she sat next to Logan and Laura sat next to Yelena

Yelena: that gas  the counteragent it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melina's generation  I was on a mission to retrieve it and she exposed me and I killed the widow that freed me

Natasha: did you have a choice

Yelena: what you experienced was psychological conditioning  I'm taking about chemically altering brain functions  they're two completely different things  your fully conscious but you don't know which part is you
I'm still not sure

(As Logan gets up and helps her finish cleaning her wound)

Logan: is that all that's left

Yelena: mmmhmm it's the only thing that can stop dreykov (grunting in pain as Logan is trying to saw up her wound) and his network of widows he takes more everyday children who don't have any one to protect them  (looking at Natasha) just like us when we were small  maybe one in twenty survives the training becomes a widow the rest he kills 
To him we are just things  weapons with no face  that he can just throw away  because there is always more and no one's even looking for him anymore thanks to you and Alexei

Natasha: Alexei

Yelena: dad

(As he finished fixing Yelena wound Logan sat back down next to Natasha as the four of them see a father and son in a garage next door)

Yelena: did you ever look for your parents  your real ones

Natasha: well my mom abandoned me in the street like garbage

Yelena: Logan

Logan: (sighs) well my mother died giving birth to me and my father blamed me for it so when I turned seventeen I left him and joined the army  so to say I want to give Laura the childhood none of us ever got is all I want for her (looking at Laura who's playing a game inside the restaurant then looks at yelena) and what about you

Yelena: they destroyed my birth certificate  so I reinvented it 
My parents still live in Ohio  my sister moved out west

Natasha: is that right

Yelena: you're a science teacher  you're working part time  though since you had your son which now is a daughter
Your husband  he renovates houses

Natasha: that's not our story (as Logan and Natasha are holding each other's hands )

(All four of them laugh)

Yelena: what is your story

Logan: we're still figuring it out (as Logan leans in and kissed Natasha on her cheek)

Natasha: exactly

Yelena: you're both lucky there's a lot of widows who couldn't get a second chance and a new family  I mean I want a dog  (as Logan hands her her new vest she bought at the gas station)

Natasha: thanks      so where you gonna go

Yelena: I don't know   I don't really have anywhere to go back to  so I guess anywhere        don't

Logan: don't what

Yelena: (chuckles) you both are going to  give me some big hero speech  I can feel it

Natasha: speeches aren't really our thing

Yelena: huh

Logan: it was more like an invitation

Yelena: to go to the red room and kill dreykov

Natasha: yeah

Yelena: even though the red room is impossible to find and dreykov is to slippery to kill

Logan: yeah

Yelena: that sounds like a shitload of work

Natasha: yep (sighs)  could be fun though

Logan: I saw where he put the keys

Yelena: top drawer  green cabinet

(As the three clicked their drinks and stole the guy's car as Natasha was driving  Yelena in the passenger seat and Logan and Laura were in the back
Laura fell asleep)

Yelena: you know  this is the first piece of clothing   I've ever bought for myself

Natasha: that

Yelena: yeah  you don't like it

Natasha: is that like a is it army surplus or

Yelena: okay it has a lot of pockets

(Logan and Natasha chuckles)

Yelena: but I use them all the time and I made some of my own modifications

Natasha: (scoffs) oh yeah  (laughs)

Yelena: whatever  I've never had control over my own life before and now I do  I want to do things

Natasha: we like your vest

Yelena: I knew it  I knew you both did it's so cool right

Logan: it's very cool

Natasha: it's good  yes I like it

Yelena: and you can put so much stuff in there you wouldn't even know 
I really don't know where the red room is though  I'm sorry

Natasha: i know  but  I think I know somebody who does

Logan: oh yeah who

Natasha: we're gonna need a jet

the end of chapter three let me know what you guys think in the comments

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