8: ~•The rap battle•~

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Narrator: Sarvente
Uh oh, here comes BF and GF 😳❗️

•It was 2 hours before they came back. "Finally! You guys are safe and here! I was so worried!" I said. "Oh haha! Yeah, nothing bad happened to us at all." Mia said wagging her tail. I told em to come to the kitchen for dinner and I made dinner 4 minutes before they came back. As we all ate, Ruv stayed silent while me and Mia chatted and laughed loudly. "You okay Ruv," Mia asked him "Your very quiet right now." "Yeah I'm fine," Ruv mumbled. "I'm just tired.." Then we heard a knock on the church doors. As we all went to open them, BF and GF were there. "Hey! Can we have a rap battle?" GF asked in a polite tone. "Of course we can!" I cheerfully agree. First up me, my first two songs. The normal two songs I sang before. As I was done with mine, up came Ruv.. "Mia, you might wanna hold on to my arm." I told her lightly. "W-" "Just do it.."

•She grabs me tight, feeling her claws dig into my skin. Then.. Ruv starts rapping and the whole church SHAKES. Mia was paralyzed in fear not moving. Her head was like stuck to me. Then after that was over, "Hey Mia! Wanna rap with BF?" I asked the sunshine bright girl who was still sitting on the pew, in fear. "I have no idea what rapping is. And plus I don't know how to do this rapping thing." "Oh.. Wait WHAT?! How do you not know what rapping is?!" GF yelled in shock. "I'm royalty.. So when I was still young, like 18 and below. I was never able to leave the house so I never knew what it was really somehow." Mia giggles. "Oh wow! Well sorry your majesty!" GF chuckles. Mia shrugged and just laid on the pew, then when BF and GF left, it was silent for a long time. As I read a fantasy book, Mia went inside the hall to explore. Ruv was just chilling on a pew, like usual. "Hey Ruv, can I ask you something about Mia please?" I ask the tall man. "Sure I guess." "What were you two doing outside all night?"

•"She brought me to a hill that she somehow visited when she was younger. A hour before we left the hill, she was sitting in my lap and when she tapped me. I looked down and her forehead was too close to my face and I kissed her forehead BY ACCIDENT! So... It was okay.. Just way to quiet except for us chatting and the water and trees moving." I stare in shock to the story he told me with my jaw WIDE open. I bump him with my elbow. "Yeah... Sureee it was a accident~" I laugh. "SARVENTE! REALLY??!" Ruv yells in the air, covering his face. "Now.. How are you so comfortable with her already..?" I quietly asked. "Well I.. Wait. I- I don't have a answer really. Maybe ask me that later tomorrow please. I'm too tired to answer right now." He mumbles. As we say goodnight to each other, I walk into my room to see Mia sleeping peacefully on my bed and so I shrugged, got ready for bed and slept.

•Then morning came. "Morning M-" Mia wasn't there, but I thought nothing much about it. I thought she just got up earlier so I got ready and freshened up. As I went to wake Ruv up, I saw MIA?! SLEEPING NEXT TO HIM?! Something wasn't right. Not at all. "Ruv wake up!" I shook Ruv hard; Yelling in his ear. "What..?" Ruv mumbled in a groany tone. "Why is Mia in your bed?" He turns his head slowly towards her who was snuggled in his blankets. "I don't know," He shrugged, "Anyways I'm gonna get ready." As he got up, Mia woke up. "Wh- Why am I in Ruv's room?!" I thought to my self after Mia said that. 'She asked why..? Wait! Maybe Ruv.. BROUGHT HER TO HIS ROOM?! BUT WHY?!' I was frozen in shock then the 6ft girl tapped me. "You good?" She asked. I said I was fine and we went to my bathroom so she could freshen up. After she was dry and clean, time for breakfast. I made pancakes,eggs, and bacon. As we ate, "Hey Mia, wanna go shopping?" I cheerfully ask. "Sure, I guess.." As me and Mia cleaned our plates. Ruv still was sitting at the table, sleeping. He looked so peaceful sleeping, haha! I picked him up and put him in the living room, on the couch and covered him with a blanket. "How did you carry a 10ft man?!" Mia was shocked from my strength. "Oh I don't know! Hehe!!" I giggle and off we went to the mall. Hours later we come back, and Ruv was still sleeping but his coat and ushanka were off.

•I got clothes just for Mia, Pjs and more normal clothes, and boy oh boy, she has some good style. A lot of green and black but whatever. "Ruv..? You awake..?" Mia whispered to Ruv, kneeling on the floor. His eye opens a crack, "Hi Mia," He yawns. "How long have I been sleeping?" "3 hours?" I guess slightly. "Oh okay.." As he stretches. Mia hopped on the couch next to him. "Hey Mia? Can we see ALL your tails moving?" I chuckle, joking knowing she wouldn't. "Uhh. Sure..?" Her ribbon tails were beautifully moving while her normal tail wagged. Her ribbon like tails seemed like they didn't have bones. "Do the ribbon ones have bones?" Ruv asks. "Nah, they don't. So I can like, bend over my shoulders!" She laughs, and I was just mesmerized by the ribbons. Anyways Mia just talked to Ruv the whole morning basically. And Ruv just LISTENED to everything she said! He was just. Oh I don't know. So understanding to her, it was really concerning to me. "How about we watch a scary movie?" Mia suggested. "Okay.. BUT NOTHING WITH CLOWNS!!" I yell in fear. Mia just stared at me. "Okay..?" Mia said concerned. So we watched Halloween instead. Ruv barley finches but sometimes did. I was kinda scared but not really. And Mia just yelled of how stupid the people running were. Like how the man at the gas station didn't. I forgot because I was too scared of that scene. So she wasn't scared at all. After the movie, we decided to watch nightmare before Christmas. A very cute Halloween movie!

•Then in the middle of the movie, Mia fell asleep on Ruv's arm. "Ruv. She's asleep in you~! Teehee!" I giggled. Ruv grabbed her and put her head on his lap and he just stroked her head. I was very concerned at this point. 'Are they dating?! And if so, how so fast!?' As I sat in my chair, I was sweating in confusion. But I just cleared my mind off of it.

~•End of chapter 8•~

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