Chapter 1: The masked Warrior

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In this story Dream is god like as he can't die he still feels the pain and scars of wounded but he can't die. But after so long he can't really feel the pain. He's lived for many years moving with the times.

Dream will be a brother figure to Ranboo. There both protective of each other. Dream has trust issues and insomnia.

There still will be things from Minecraft in this story as it's like a Fairytale. There still the end and the nether and the mobs from those places. But none of the normal ones that come out every night.

Will that's all for now hope you enjoy! :)


Antarctica, a strong and powerful kingdom at war with two kingdoms that teamed up in hopes of the down full of the great Antarctica kingdom. The king of Antarctica, king Philza sighed as he sat in his throne. They where losing the war. He has sent so many willing souls to fight for the kingdom, many of them dying. His own sons where contributing to the war efforts.

His eldest, Wilbur was helping with tactics. His second oldest, was fighting on the fount lines. And his youngest though to young to fight is helping in anyway he can.

King Philza looked at the book in his hands. 'The masked Warrior' he'd read the book more times than he'd care to admit. Looking for clues that could help them find this masked warrior. Hoping that he could help.

He hadn't got much but just maybe it was enough. Most of the battles he shows up for he just appears and watches and if he deems it necessary will fight both side to try to get them to stop.

The king has a feeling the masked warrior will show up soon. Hell he's surprised he hasn't already but he is a myth, ...a legend for a reason.

He just had to approach the warrior and asked for help how hard can it be?

Again the king sighed as he stood up from his throne and left the throne room heading out the castle. That's when a guard ran up to him. "You majesty!! A man has been spotted watching form the mountains near the battle field". The guard yelled slightly out of breath from running trying to find the king. "Thank you. You are dismissed" the king said before making his way to the stables.

Once on his horse King Philza road out heading to the battle field where the masked warrior was spotted. He had to take to him. He needed to ask him.

It took awhile, most of the day but he arrived. He made his way up the mountains keeping an eye out for the man. After looking for a while the Philza spotted him. Standing watching the fight below with a majestic black horse behind him.

"Who's there. Come out" the mans voice was low like it hadn't be used for awhile. Philza slowly dismounted his horse and raised his hands showing he means no harm to the man in fort of him. The masked man turned to look at him.

"Ah your majesty, king Philza of Antarctica" the man lowered his head in respect to the king in front of him. "Well you seem to know quite a bit about me but, I don't seem to know much about you" Philza spoke to the masked warrior. " oh let me introduce myself. I'm Dream but the world knows me as the masked warrior" the masked man know named Dream said taking a slight bow.

"You see....Dream I need your help" king Philza started but was interrupted by Dream. "I know why your here. Your here to ask for my help in the war".

"Indeed I am. I have a offer" Philza said hoping to catch Dreams interest. Which he did "what is this offer you speak of?" He questioned. "If you fight in this war for the kingdom of Antarctica, you will be seen as a friend to the kingdom and treated like so. You'll also be able to make one request from me as the king,....and if you wanted to you could stay for a bit?" The king said but the last part sounded more like a question. Like he went quite confident in it.

The masked man stayed quite for a minute, then looked back over to the war being fought below them. Turing back to the king he nodded.

Relief washed over the king and the masked mans movement. 'He'll help we have a change now' the king thought.

Dream fixed his hood making sure it was pulled up. Fixed his visible weapons and mounted his horse. Dream kicked his horse to move and the horse reared and sped of towards the battle.

The king stood there for a moment before remembering that his fighters will attack the masked warrior because they didn't know that he was in there side so he also jumped on his horse and galloped off to the fight as well to inform the fighters that they had an ally.

The Masked Warrior (dreamnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now