Chapter 7: Apple

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All the soldiers where on the floor groaning in pain and frustration. They just got there ass handed to them by some random guy. Dream just stood in the middle of them with not a single scratch on him and not even out of breath. Dream make his way over to Techno watching out for the many people laying on the floor.
"There good" Dream said one he was next to Techno looking at the soldiers trying to get up of the floor with much difficulty. "What's next?" Dream asked. "Well it's afternoon now so it's nearly dinner" Techno said as he started making his way back to the castle. Dream followed behind him.

Once they got to the castle Dream went to his room to clean up after training, Techno did the same. They both came out there rooms at the same time. Dream was still wearing his armour and had his axe on his back. They walked in comfortably silence to the dinning hall. They got many looks from guards, maids and others. But they both just ignored the looks and the whispers, they where about Dream.

It didn't take long for them at arrive at the dinning hall, they entered quietly not drawing attention to themselves. They sat down in there respective sets.

Dream looked at the food on the table blocking out the conversations that was happening. They where asking Techno how training went. There where surprised gasps where Techno told them that Dream beat them. Dream just sat there staring to the food then back to his empty plate. He didn't fell hungry but he knew he had to eat soon. As he didn't know when the last time he eat was so soon he might claps again. It's not like he can die though so.

Unknown to Dream, Philza was watching Dream's inner war. Philza doesn't know much about Dream but he noticed that Dream didn't eat yesterday and he did fight in a war so his should have been hunger. So that the fact that Dream isn't eating now and looks like he doesn't want to it's making him worry.

Dream stood up and said "excuse me" then left out of the big oak wooden doors. The doors closed behind him as he left. The other last in the dinning room watched as he went. Ranboo just sighed. Everyone looked at him wanting answers. "What was that about?" Asked Tommy confused looking at everyone at the table thinking some would give him an answer. "I don't know, Ranboo?" Philza said looking at the young boy. "I might have lived with him for some time but I don't know much about him. I don't know what happened in his past. He's like that most of the time. He's even clasped a few times from lack of sleep and food from what I seen, but he always says he's fine" Ranboo explained. This information left the royals worried. Clasping isn't good. Philza looked at Techno "keep an eye on his Techno and make sure he eats even if it's just a little" Philza told Techno who nodded finished his food and picked up an apple. He took the apple and left to find Dream.

The first place Techno check for Dream was Dream's room. But he wasn't there. So he went to check the training grounds. Again much to Techno's frustration, Dream wasn't there. 'Where could he be?' Techno thought as he walked away from the training grounds.

Techno made he way to the gates of the castle to ask the guards if they have seen him leave. "Yes sir, we've seen him. He went to the stables" one of the guards told Techno. "Thank you" Techno thanked the guards then walked to the stables.

Arriving at the stables he sees Dream sitting leaning against a black horse. "Dream?" Techno questioned looking at Dream, not knowing if he fell asleep. "Hmm" Dream made a sound of acknowledgement looking up at techno. "Come on" Techno said gesturing for Dream to follow him. Dream looked back at his horse, Raven then stood up and followed Techno.

The walked until the could see a Beautiful garden.

"Wow" Dream said taking in the scenery

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"Wow" Dream said taking in the scenery. Techno kept walking the stoped and sat on the grass. "Sit" Techno command Dream. Dream sat in front of Techno. "Dream, when was the last time you eat?" Techno asked Dream seriously. Dream sighed before answering "I don't remember" he answered truthfully. Techno threw the apple he picked up before at him "then eat" he said as he sat himself back to back with Dream so he can't see Dreams face. They lean on each other. Dream was thankful for this he didn't want to show his face, not yet. "Thanks" Dream said as he leaned further into Techno's back and pushed his smiley masked to the side of his head. Sighing he took a bite out of the apple.

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