Chapter 6: Training

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Here's the next chapter for you guys sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoy! :)

Once's everyone was lined up in front of Techno and Dream, Techno began to speak "from now on you'll have a second teacher". Techno looked at Dream and pointed at him "this is, Dream". Dream looked at the and stepped forward slightly so he was next to Techno. The soldiers looked at dream. They looked at his appearance, he was wearing black jeans with black combat boots, a baggy green hoodie with the hood up and some back fingerless glover, a smiley mask that kinda freaked them out but they wouldn't say that out loud. Then they looked at his armor back with green and purple hints, he had a chest plate along with arm and leg guards.

One of the brave -if you could call it that- spoke up. "You think you can teach us. Who do you think you are?! You can't just walk in here and fly up the ranks we've worked to be here! We work hard to try and get promoted! But, no. Not you!" He shouted pointing accusingly at Dream. At this point Dream had he jaw clenched shut and clenched his fists at his side.

Techno seeing this. Had a idea that if this soldier continued Dream wouldn't be able to stop himself from attacking him. "That's enough" His voice what cold, for some reason he didn't like how that soldier was talking to Dream. The soldier stoped and looked at Techno. "Yes, your highness" the soldier said voice full of anger and fear. Anger that the cold prince told him to stop and that this Dream guy came in there and flew through the ranks, and fear of the Prince.

"Start you laps. Where behind schedule now" Techno said glaring at the soldier how spoke moments ago. A chorus of "yes, sir" was heard as the soldiers took of running around the training grounds.

While they where running Techno turned to Dream. "They usually spar with me at the end but I think it would be best if they spar with you" Techno spoke looking back at the soldiers who where still running. "Ok" was the answer he got.

A few minutes later the soldiers had stoped running and where now stood in a line in front of Techno and Dream. "Your fighting him now" was all Techno said as he stepped back to watch from the sidelines.

That's all it took for the soldiers to attack Dream. They where armed with swords and shields, Dream didn't pull his weapon out, not yet. Dream doges each swing of a sword, each punch, each kick. He hadn't even lifted a finger yet just opting to dodging. After a few minute Dream decided that he should attack now. So he started punching and kicking them, trying not to hurt them. When some of the soldiers where down he pulled out his axe and started blocking there sword attack with it. They have now been fighting for 5 minutes, because Dream weren't going full out, scared that he'd hurt them or worse. After pulling his axe out did didn't take long for the over two battalions of soldiers to be down. And he wasn't even trying.

Techno was surprised. He knew Dream was strong and knew how to fight, from the books about the masked warrior. But his was, he didn't have a word for it. He wasn't a man with May words but he knew loads from all the reading he does. Dream took down over two battalions which is amazing in its self, but there's battalions where special trained by him. The most feared warrior in the kingdom. Dream had his respect now, especially now.

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