Chapter 17: Dream and the end

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'BOOM' That was all Dream heard before it happened. He had a sad smile on his face. Dream was content with how things ended. Techno, his lover was save with his family along with his brother, Ranboo.

Dream groaned as he moved. Slowly he tried opening his eyes. Confused with what was going on, he was dead wasn't he? Is this what the afterlife was like? Finally opening his eyes Dream looked around only to see white. Covering his eyes again because of the just white void hurt them. After composing himself Dream stood up. He was a bit wobbly on his feet but he eventually he stood straight. Deciding to look around the white void Dream walked forward. Not knowing or being able to tell if it was north, south, east or west he just walked for wheat seemed like hours. Till he saw something in the distances. Dream picked up the speed walking faster than he was before. As he got closer he could made out that it was a group of people. Closer and closer he got before he stoped. There in front of him was XD and some other Gods and Goddess. Confused Dream asked "what's going on here?" In a serious voice. "You did well Dream" XD congratulated Dream as he stepped towards him. "So I did it everyone's safe?" Dream asked just wanting to make sure. "Indeed they are. You've been unconscious for a while now 2 days to be exact. We where worried you wouldn't wake up" XD spoke all of the deities worries. "Ah sorry about that" Dream apologise doing a slight bow in front of the deities. "It's fine DayDream we should be apologising to you" the Death Goddess said in a apologetic voice. Dream just looked at her. His body language tell them that he was confused as to why there where apologising. "We're sorry for the immorality and making you do something like this just as you where getting your life back" the God of Fate and Destiny spoke up. "It's fine. I would be selfish if I didn't save everyone when I could just because I didn't want to loses anything again. They would have also suffered loss and I didn't want that" Dream replied showing that he is not selfish. They deities smiled at Dream as XD spoke."Welcome home DayDream" XD said in a welcoming voice as he embraced Dream in a hug. Dream let a smile appear on his face as he hugged back.

"It's good to be back XD. Now I can rest" Dream said thinking about resting. "About that Dream" XD started. "You still needed to watch over them. The one who killed Techno is alive and has gained there memory's back" XD informed Dream. This new information made Dream worry and panic. He'd left Techno when he life could be in danger. Dream pushed himself out of the hug and looked at the deities frantically. "Do you know what going to happen!" Dream yelled more at the Fate and Destiny God. They didn't answer but remained silent. "If anything happens to Techno and the others I'll hold you all accountable" Dream said with anger. "I'll watch over them DayDream please just calm down. Your still recovering you magic" XD spoke frantically trying to get Dream to calm down. "Fine. But I'm coming with you I want to make sure there safe" Dream said. "Dream it's against the rules of the dead" the Fate and Destiny God spoke. "What's the harm. They won't be able to see me. I'll be with XD so you don't have to worry about me doing anything stupid" Dream said already know that the Fate God thought he was going to show himself to them.
"Fine" the God replied. With that Dream and XD where off. "So do you know where they are I want to make sure they don't come for Techno again" Dream questioned XD. "I do" XD replied flying away from the castle. They needed to make a detour.

Soon they came across two people in the forest marking there way towards the kingdom. Dream and XD landed near them. "He's the Prince so we'll have to sneak into the castle while everyone's sleeping and kill him in his sleep" one of them spoke. "Ok Georgie
Then we'll stay here till nightfall" the other replied to know named Georgie. "Snapnap do you think Dream will be there if so it might cause a problem" Georgie asked Snapnap "I don't think so" he replied.

Having heard enough Dream spoke to XD not taking his eyes off of the duo "XD I'm sorry I can't let them get there" Dream apologise. XD already know this and the fact that even if he tried to stop Dream he would fail decided to just nodded and help Dream.

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