Chapter 3: old family

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The castle gates opened letting in the few remaining soldiers that had to drop off gear before heading hope. The guards looked at him warily. "Come on then Dream I'll lead you to the king" the soldier from before said. Dream dismounted Raven and begin to follow the soldier. But Raven followed behind Dream.

The soldier leading Dream stoped and turned around to face Dream. "Does he always follow you?" He asked gesturing to Raven. "Yes most of the time. He doesn't like being away from me for too long" Dream answered looking at Raven. The soldier sighed. "You there!" He shouted pointing at one of the castle guards. The guard come over "yes, sir?" He questioned. "Take this horse to the stables" the soldier commands. "Yes, sir!" The guard approached Dream and Raven. Raven started taping his hove on the floor in warning.

Dream turned to Raven. "Shh it's ok calm down. I'll be fine" Dream comforted Raven. "Now follow this nice man to the stables please" Dream asked nicely. Raven gave a Little nod and looked at the guard watching him so he could follow.

Dream also turned to the guard. "Don't touch him he'll follow you and don't put him in the stables" Dream's voice was low in a warning letting the guard know that if he doesn't listen then. Well he wouldn't want to know. The guard nodded and walked off Raven close behind him.

"Well now that, that's sorted shall we?" Dream questioned the soldier in front of him. The soldier only nodded his head. Leading Dream into the castle and through the halls. Until they came to a big wooden door with fancy designs on and two big door handles.

The soldier stoped in front of them and knocked on the doors. They waited till they heard a quite "come in" and the soldier pushed the doors open. There sat the whole royal family all sat in there respect thrones. Dream stoped for a second and his breathing hitched it went unnoticed by the others in the room.

He knew them. Philza, he knew him from years ago. He recanted that he knew but he didn't expect there to be more who where also recanted. Wilbur, he was sitting in his throne near the king. Next to him was Tommy. And the other side of Philza....Techno. His lover finally recanted. They where all like his family in there past life so it was weird not being able to act or talk to them how he used to.

"Your distmist" Philza said and the soldier left. Dream was now stood in front of the Royal family. Dream knelt before them "your majesties" Dram said formally looking his emotion away. "No need for formality's. Now let's get to introductions" Philza dismiss it.

"As you know I'm king Philza. But you can all me Philza, and these are my sons" Philza said gesturing to the males sat in the thrones beside him.

(He doesn't have wings and he's wearing a crown)

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(He doesn't have wings and he's wearing a crown)

"I'm Prince Wilbur, but you can call me Wilber. I'm the eldest and I'm 19" Wilber introduced himself following his fathers example of dropping the formalities.

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