Chapter 8: Remembering

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So before we get started with the next part of this story I got bored so I decided to try draw Dream. It my first time trying to draw Dream and well anything really. I usually only draw animals and land scapes so here.

(I know it bad I just thought I'd share it you you all

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(I know it bad I just thought I'd share it you you all. If you want me to try someone else let me know and I'll try!)

It was now night time in the Antarctica kingdom. Almost everyone was asleep. Dream was the only one awake. Plagued by the memories of his past. The death he's witnessed. The death of the people he knew. The pain and suffering this world of this world.

Techno was sleeping. He tossed and turned as he was dreaming. Or was it a dream. To him it was a weird dream, because unknown to him it was a memory.

(Techno's 'dream')
Techno approached Dream. "Dream where at war you can't afford to not be eating" Techno told Dream.
Dream turned to look at Techno just to look away. Techno sighed and through and apple at him. Dream on reflex turned and caught it. Dream just looked at the apple that was now in his hand. "Techno, I'm just not hungry. I'll be fine" Dream tried to put Techno's worries to rest without having to eat.

Techno just shook his head and walked closer to Dream sitting back to back with Dream so he can't see his face. "Dream just eat the apple......please" Techno asked Dream letting his worry slip into his voice. He heard Dream sigh and then a crunching noise. Telling him that Dream is in fact eating the apple. Techno sighed in relief and relaxed more. Knowing that Dream has at least eat something.

Then everything went black for awhile.

When Techno can next see something that isn't black it's a war zone. The was shouts of pain from injuries and from the lost of someone close to them. The was blood. Like there is in every war. Techno was stood back to back with Dream. Both of them watching each other's backs. They where both covered in blood. Most from there enemy, some from there comrades and some from them selfs. They're on the front lines. Both running out of stammer and energy but both never stoped knowing that if they stoped or hesitate then death would be pretty much unavoidable. Dream had blood on his smiley mask and on his green cloak, his sword was covered in blood. Techno was similar but most of the blood was on his cloak which was red so you couldn't really see it. They where fighting in sync, trusting each other to cover them. It was a show of how much they trusted each other.

Then it went back again. This time he heard something before he seen anything.

"You can't!" Someone yelled.
"But I have to!" The other that shouted back. They sounded like Dream. "You can't it's too dangerous" the other spoken sternly. "I'm sorry, but I have to" Dream spoke in a apologetic tone.
Then could see Dream running he came out of his hiding place behind a tree a single tear ran down his face.

Then it again went back.

Techno and Dream where walking through what looked to be a village street. They where walking side by side until Techno stoped. Dream also stoped and walked over to Techno to see why he stoped. Techno was looking at a beautiful red cape. "That's a beautiful cape Techno" Dream spoke from next to him. "It is" he replied. Dream looked at Techno then walked into the shop. Techno was confused. Not long after Dream entered he can out with a box's.

Pasted it to Techno without saying a word and again began to walk

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Pasted it to Techno without saying a word and again began to walk. Techno decided to open the box in side was the beautiful red cape.

The cape was made out of red velvet with white fur and a gold chan so you could wear it

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The cape was made out of red velvet with white fur and a gold chan so you could wear it. Techno let a small smile appear on his face. Dream had go a bought the red cape that looked like it cost a lot of money. Without a second thought he put it on. It was warm. Techno looked for Dream, after he spotted him him made his way to Dream.

The it went dark again.

The heard shouts first then someone grunt in pain. It took a minute to realise it was him who was in pain. He saw himself sway as he looked down to see a sword through his chest. The person who stabbed him pulled the sword out. Before he could hit the floor he was caught by strong arms. Looking at the one who caught him, he sees Dream. Dream looks at him then at the one who stabbed him. Sadly he was blurred. "I'll kill you" Dream spoke in a threatening tone a dark aura was surrounding him as he glared at the man. Dream lest his sight for a moment. In that time he heard a sword being drawn then a fudging sound. Dream came back into his sight. "D-dream" he spoke weakly. Dream sat next to him and put Technos head in his lap. Techno heard light sniffing coming from Dream, he reached up to Dream's masked with his hands that seemed to weigh more now. He removed to mask to see Dream crying. "I...I can lose you Techno. Don't leave me.....please" Dream pretty much begged. Techno couldn't reply, he wanted to reassure Dream but he didn't want to lie so he stayed silent as he watched Dream cry. Techno felt his eye lids get heavier and knew that his time was running out, so he spoke "Dream...l-listen to me" Dream opened his eyes looking into Technos red eyes. "I...I want you to live ok" he spoke again. Dream shook his head "n-no you can't leave me. The war is over. We..we can finally live in that house you seen and g-grow potatoes. Like you wanted" Dream spoke his voice shaking. "Dream I'm not going to make it....W-we both know that" Techno spoke through the pain. His heart was slowing, his breathing was slowing. His time was nearly up. "You be-better look after yourself." He took another breath. "I-I don't want yo-you following me so soon" He took his last breath "always remember Dream that I love you" he said with his last breath and with as much strength he could muster. He heard the pained scream of his lover as his heart stoped.

Techno shot up breathing heavily. He remembered. 'Dream!' His shouted in his mind. He needed to see him. To see Dream and tell him he remembered. He quickly got out of his bed and ran to his door before he could open it his stoped short. 'Does Dream even remember?' He questioned to himself. Yes he did he's been the masked warrior for a long time now. So without anymore doubt he ran out his room and made his way to Dream's. 'I'm coming love' he thought to himself.

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