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Summary: Set in S1. Based on the song "Shattered" by Trading Yesterday. Once again, it's a Clena songfic. Hope you guys enjoy.

*Committed* (1x6)

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding

Fall into your sunlight

The future's open wide, beyond believing

To know why, hope dies

Losing what was found, a world so hollow

Elena was waiting on her coat to be returned by the lady at the counter, when her phone in her white clutch began to ring. When she took it out, the number was blocked, so she assumed it was family-ish or werewolf-related. She was semi-right, because she knew who it was immediately when she answered. Her ex, although secretly she and him still had feelings for one another.

"Hey, um, how's the big city?" Clay greeted her.

"I can't really talk right now," she informed him, whispering so no one else could hear her. Then, when he didn't reply after a couple moments, she asked, "Clay, what's wrong?"

"I've done things," he informed her. "A series of things."


"They're coming at us hard, darlin.' I feel like I'm barely holding my head above water."

"It won't end well if it keeps going like this, Clay," she reasoned.

"I know. I wanna be a better man, Elena. I need you. Please, come home," he replied, before hanging up.

She hung up, knowing that despite everything, when Clay was like that, it meant that he did really need her. Although she didn't want to be a part of any of it, she knew deep down that she couldn't separate herself from it. Plus, who knew what would happen to Clay or with Clay if she stayed away. Most of the time he could deal on his own, but when he sounded like he had, it was time for her to do what she did best. Be there for him and try to pull him from whatever darkness he was starting to get sucked into. 

*Caged* (1x12)

Suspended in a compromise

The silence of this sound, is soon to follow

Somehow, sundown

And finding answers

Is forgetting all of the questions we called home

Passing the graves of the unknown

After finding out where they were keeping Clay after Clay had been taken the day before, helping Elena fight some wolves at her apartment in Toronto, she was able to kick a couple werewolf asses. Since there were only two there at the time, that was all she needed. She then entered the old barn, which was when she saw Clay. There was rope tied to the ceiling and the other pieces of rope around Clay's wrists.

"Oh, my God," Elena said, before rushing over to him. "Clay," she stated. "Hey."

"It's good to see you, darlin'," he commented, when he woke up.

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