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"It's an Ouroboros" I flipped over the book and pointed at the picture "The snake eatings its own tail signifying infinite life without ever truly dying. The Hunter's insignia." 

Kassi laid her chin on her closed fist "And Gramps had this?" 

 "It was one of the insignia's he had" I nodded "One of many that signified his rank." 

"I don't remember this symbol on his hand though" she said "I mean, I remember a symbol but I don't remember this particular symbol." 

"Here's the thing" I leaned back in my chair and grabbed another book from the bookshelf "The Insignia differs from syndicate too syndicate." 

I flipped through the pages and found what I was looking for before showing them. 

"Each syndicate had it's own brand" I said "And while the brands varied, they didn't deviate much from the original design." 

Kassi glanced down at the page before her eyes snapped to mine, mouth gaping open. 

"Orion has that mark" she said in surprise "Tattooed on the inside of his bicep? Why would he have that mark?" 

"He was raised by a Hunter" Rhys supplied "Maybe he got it when he was living with your Gramps?" 

 "Orion had no tattoos on his body when we first met" Kassi shook her head "At least, no visible tattoos on the parts of his body we could see." 

"But it makes no sense why he would get the tattoo in the first place" Rhys argued "He's a Wolf who despises the Hunters with all his being. The same Hunters that killed his grandfather, the man who raised him. Why get the insignia of an organization you loathe branded on your own skin?" 

 "There has to be a reason" Kassi exclaimed firmly "Orion always has a reason." 

I let out a sarcastic snort. 

Her violet eyes turned on me "What was that?" 


"Ares..." Kassi warned "Why did you let out that snort?"

I shrugged "Just thinking about something funny." 

She narrowed her eyes "You'd just happened to think of something funny right when I mentioned Orion's name?" 

I nodded "It was very funny." 

Her eyes turned to slits "There's something you're not telling me." 

It wasn't a question, more like a statement, but I treated it like a question nonetheless.

"I tell you everything" I said innocently "You're my big sister. The Alpha Queen of the Wolves. Why wouldn't I tell you everything your Majesty?" 

Rhys let out a nervous chuckle, glancing at his scowling wife, before standing up "I think it's late and some of us are Hangry. We better get going." 

Kassi's eyes clashed with mine and I held her stare. 

She may have been the Queen of Wolves, and while I respected her deeply, she just couldn't pull the Alpha crap on me when I didn't give her the answers she was looking for. 

Valkyrie appeared by her side, nudging her thigh. 

With a sigh, she broke out stare down and stood up, lacing her hands with Rhys. 

"This isn't over baby brother" she shot me a look "I'll arrange for a council meeting sometime this week." 

I nodded "We need to speak to Orion before then." 

She raised an eyebrow "You don't want to wait until the council meeting?" 

I shook my head "We need to get to the bottom of this before the others raise questions." 

"And you think Orion is apart of this Hunter ordeal?" she asked "Our own brother?" 

I winced "I wouldn't rule him out just yet." 

She gave me a quizzical look and opened her mouth to say something when Rhys nudged her forward. 

Before she could take another step, I grasped her wrist. 

"I know he's our brother" I began softly "And I know you see the best in people no matter where they came from but I need you to be extra precautious around him." 

"He wouldn't hurt me Ares" she said "He's family. He loves us all even if his way of showing it is a little non-traditional." 

"He's family" I shook my head "But he's also a Wolf who was held in captivity and trained by a Hunter for survival. He has the instincts of two warring predators inside of him waiting to get out. I just don't want you to be there when they finally do break free." 

"You think he's the one that set all this up?" Rhys asked seriously, his eyes flashing with his wolf on the surface "He put my Mate and unborn child in danger?" 

"I think Orion is keeping secrets from us" I said cautiously "Whether it be to protect us or harm us is yet to be seen but we know from experience that not everything is what it seems." 


Hunter's Moon is back Wolfies!!! 

I'm working hard on both this book, Stronger than Before, and Mates as well as Onyx Moon! 

I am going to finish Mates and Hunter's Moon before publishing Onyx Moon! I think it's only fair since I have neglected these books for so long! 

Just wait until you see what I have in store for this book! 

I can't wait!! 

Lots of Love, 


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