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I gave Kassi a big hug and kiss on the cheek, smiling when she hugged me back just as fiercely.

"When did you become so grown up?" she murmured in my shoulder.

I laughed "Probably around the same time you did."

"Hey!" she smacked me in stomach "I've been a grown up for a while now!"

"Do grown ups usually pull pranks that teenagers do?" I raised an eyebrow "Because, if I recall, I don't remember Mom or Dad declaring a prank war on those who they hold dear."

Rhys winced, grazing the left side of his face softly "I still remember when her paintballs hit my face."

I snickered "Imagine Matt's pain when she shot him in the balls."

He winced again and nudged Kassi forward.

"Thanks for the reminder" Rhys muttered "Now I have to feed my babies."

I waved them goodbye and closed the door, leaning back on it as I closed my eyes.

What a long freaking day.

When a creak sounded to my right, I smiled.

"You can come out now" I called "You've been standing there long enough."

Madi came out of her hiding spot with a bashful expression on her cherry red face. 

"I'm sorry!" she rushed out "But Markos knocked out early tonight and I didn't want to interrupt your conversation and..."

"Madi..." I walked over to her and grasped her "Babe, you're fine."

She looked up at me, her mouth agape "What?"

"I said you're fine" I grinned down at her "In fact, I should be apologizing to you for not inviting you to sit down sooner."

She blinked at me.

Then blinked again. 

I laughed and intertwined our hands together, leading her towards the kitchen.

She dragged her feet and I gave her a questioning look. 

"I know Rhys replaced the glass windows" she said, nodding towards the newly replaced windows "But is it safe to stay here?" 

"We'll probably be moving tomorrow" I said softly "But for tonight, she has wolves post around the houses as well as the perimeter surrounding the whole three acre property." 

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