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He finishes classes, he starts packing his stuff but when he started walking out the door, he was blocked by his classmates who he was not fond of "Is something wrong?" as he was punched straight in the face "Ouch this hurts" he internally thought not having any time to react he was ambushed by his classmates "why is it always like this everyday wake up, go to school, get bullied, go back home, repeat I'm sick of it!" but with how much he shouts he can't yell to anyone for help.

"Heh, no matter how much I yell, scream, shout no one came why would they I'm a Deku someone who's useless to anyone" as the last of the class left him in the ground, he starts to stand struggling he grunts from the pain as he internally thought "It hurt's so much but I have to keep going I still have a chance" as he was limping his way home.

He walks his way to Dagobah Beach "I still have a long way to go but I'm not giving up now" he starts cleaning the beach by himself, when he finished his daily task he leaves to go back home "I have at least 10 month's to work my body up and test out my quirk" as he walks home looking at the sunset "beautiful" as he smile's and ran home.

"Mom I'm home!" as he goes to his room and started writing "I need a schedule something to keep me up to date" after an entire hour of scheduling he was done "phew done." *yawn* "Heh guess I'm sleepy I should head to bed." As he lays in bed fast asleep.

Seven month's go by in a flash he hasn't activated his quirk since "The beach has improved there's very few trashes left but still no sign about my quirk was is temporary?" as he cleans more of the beach.

"Quirkless or not I've come this far I can't give up now" as he does push-ups inside his room "Izuku sweetie it's dinner time!" as he stop's his workout "coming mom!" he sighs and exits his room.

After three more months of hell, All Might step out of the red car "It's been 10 month's since I've met young Midorya I wonder how is he?" As All Might was walking to Dagobah "If I remember Dagobah Municipal Beach was covered by trash so where's the trash!?" All Might look's everywhere but it was spotless.

There he heard Midoriya's scream as they look up and saw Midoriya screaming and roaring and were completely God-smacked by the mountain of trash he is standing at; the beach was so clean that you could describe it as one of the beautiful beach in the world.

He finished in just ten months. More than perfectly!" All Might said in shocked "Oh my... Oh my... GOODNESS!" All Might shouted happily as he turns into his muscle form as Midoriya began to wobble and falls down but All Might caught him.

"You surprised the heck out of me, you entertainer!" He then put Midoriya down. " Teenagers are amazing!" as Izuku looks at All Might with a shock expression "A-A-All Might why are you here!?" as All Might Just laugh's "HAHAHAHAH I WAS JUST PASSING BY" as he looks at Izuku "MY YOU'VE GROWN AND YOUR MUSCULAR TOO" as Izuku gets embarrassed "Arigato All Might but I have to go the entrance exam starts in two hours hope to meet you again!" as he leaves, leaving All Might alone *sigh* "hope to see you soon young Midoriya very soon" as he leaves Dagobah Beach.

"M-Mom... get my clothes and breakfast ready... I'm going to be... late!" Inko then did what he ask Izuku got up and touch his nose, it wasn't bleeding or broken which was a good thing.

He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and take a hot shower, as quick as he can. He wears his junior school uniform as he step out of the bathroom and eat his breakfast which is a milk, cereal and apple. He clean his empty bowl of cereal and glass of milk.

"Are you going to be alright?" Inko said, worried about Izuku's safety.

"Y-Yeah! Darn it, I'm gonna be late! G-Goodbye, mom!" He said before he open the door and closes as be began to run to the Tatooin Station.

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