3. is what i am feeling real, or is it just a sign?

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No smut in this one but obviously we're gonna be seeing more jealous and attention needy Loki 😉

Although, I guess still a warning for implied sexual content even though there's no actual smut

Loki had been acting strange recently....

Well, a bit weirder than usual, perhaps.

The first time you truly noticed what he was doing, it threw you off guard.

You'd been standing in front of him as he was sat in one of the large chairs that littered the Compound's common room, the two of you talking as several of your team/housemates sat around the room and chatted with each other as well. It was one of those rare moments where so many of you were all together at once, properly acting like friends rather than reluctant co-workers.

One moment Loki had been watching you as you spoke with a small, barely noticeable smile and glint in his eye that pulled a responding smile to your lips, and then the next his eyes caught something behind you. A glare was suddenly clouding his features, but before you could turn to see who he was mentally wishing death upon, Loki was grabbing your wrist and tugging you straight down into his lap.

"Loki!" You squeaked.

As Loki adjusted so that you were placed more comfortably in his lap, his hands brushing over the tops of your thighs and around your waist, everyone in the room immediately stopped what they had been doing. Their heads all turned towards the pair of you, staring for a long moment before going back to what they had been doing previously, as if the notion of you sitting in Loki's lap was completely normal.

Chatter filled the room again, and your eyes flitted around the room, your heartbeat slowly picking up.

With Loki's nose grazing over your cheekbone, he whispered to you in that low voice of his, "What were you saying, Darling?"

However, before you could answer, your gaze caught Barnes'.

While the others had long ago gone back to minding their own business, his stare had lingered on the two of you, and just before he turned away you noticed the hard press of his lips and the discernible frown that crossed his face. Yet, it was gone just as quick as you had noticed it, Barnes quickly going back to his conversation with Sam and Steve the moment he realized you had caught him staring.


The next time you noticed Loki acting a little out of sorts was the next morning.

The two of you had spent the night together as you always had since the beginning of your little union, and last night had been designated for Loki's bed.

Or not so much designated, rather than the two of you trying to find the nearest appropriate bed as fast as possible before someone could find your joined bodies and obscene display in the middle of one of the Compound's halls.

This morning when you had woken up, Loki's arm tightly holding you to his body, and his hand pressing low on your stomach, you'd almost had a heart attack upon realizing the time.

Normally, the two of you usually tried to make your way back to your own separate beds early in the mornings, only rarely staying together past 10 a.m. But, looking over to notice the time, it seemed as if the two of you had slept long past the end of your unspoken time limit.

It was almost 11:30.

The others were sure to be up and around and perhaps even looking for one or the both of you.

Do I Have Your Attention? || a Loki x Reader mini-seriesWhere stories live. Discover now