1. (jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy) get the best of me

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(Formerly titled: "Anything You Want")

WARNING: smut ahead, fingering, voyerism, Loki is also a dumbass, slight sub/dom vibes with sub-ish!Loki

Loki definitely did not have feelings for you.



Because that would be ridiculous, right? Him? A god? Feeling anything for a just simple human?

Absolutely not.

Or at least that's what Loki had continuously tried to tell himself over the past few months.

But over the past couple of weeks it had become harder and harder to deny that there wasn't at least something there.

When Thor dragged him down from Asgard to live with the Avengers as punishment for his wrong doings you had taken all of it in stride unlike some of the others. You refused to back down from him, not leaving a room just because he had entered, and, after a couple weeks, had even made attempts to interact with him the same way you would have if he was anyone else living in the compound.

And Loki had found himself unwillingly intrigued by it. As much as he wished to deny it, refusing to believe he was starting to fall for the first person to ever give him genuine attention despite all the trouble and pain he had caused in the past, Loki knew it was true.

But now he was also certain that he lacked any sort of chance at having those feelings reciprocated.

Because it seemed, to him at least, that someone else in the compound had captured your attention.

Damned Sam Wilson.

After the forced reunion between Stark and Rogers over events that Loki found himself unable to give a damn about, Rogers and his band of idiots had come back to live in the compound again just a few months after Loki had settled in. And by that time he was already making up any excuse he could to spend time with you in the common areas of the compound, finding himself willing to even sit around in the kitchen and watch you do something as simple as make coffee in the mornings, despite the fact that he didn't fully care for the beverage himself. But when the Wilson and the others had come back to the compound once again, things seemed to change overnight.

Because while Loki was less concerned about Stark's weariness around Rogers, or not even the least bit interested in the android they called Vision or the only other magic user who lived in the building, he was very much concerned with the interactions he proceeded to observe between you and Wilson.

Loki had come to learn many things about you as the two of you co-habitated, as did you about him, and one of those was that you absolutely hated when anyone would touch their hand to your back as they passed behind you. He had seen Stark almost lose a hand the first and only time he did it, and Loki had also learned the hard way when he brushed a hand along your back while you had been chopping vegetables for dinner and then proceeded to pull the knife on him. As if some sort of switch had been flipped inside you.

But for him to later observe Wilson do the same thing, and for you to not react at all to the hand he had pressed against you, caused certain emotions within him, that he refused to acknowledge at the time, to begin bubbling to the surface.

And not only did it seem as if Wilson could get away with a lot more around you than anyone else in the compound could, but to also observe the two of you spending far more time together than Loki found himself able to tolerate without feeling a sharp discomfort in his gut, had him slowly trying to find more and more ways to grab your attention while Wilson was present.

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