Chapter 11

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Bella POV

Tonight was the night; the night that I would finally leave this wretched place with Edward and his family. Edward had promised me that he would whisk me away and take me to his home in America. We would live happily together in a place where I could be free. 

The family had gathered yesterday evening and formulated the escape plan. However, due to the many roaming ears that haunted the castle halls, the entire conversation was held in sign language, preventing me from understanding what would happen.

And, as I gathered the last of my very few possessions, I still had no clue as to what this legendary night would hold for me.

“Ready, love?” the smooth voice of my immortal hero whispered out. The both of us were currently in Edward’s suite, ensuring nothing was left behind that could cause any more suspicion than the act of the escape itself.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I murmured with doubt and angst in my trembling voice. Edward saw the fear in my eyes as his face softened. Reaching out to me, he pulled me into the circle of his arms while his stone lips met mine for a brief kiss.

“I will protect you with my life,” he mouthed silently in the hopes of not drawing any attention.

My mouth silently formed the only words that would keep me running for the next few hours.

“I love you, Edward.”


Edward POV

Anxiousness coursed through me as I held her in my arms. Tonight would be the night that determined both of our destinies, which I undoubtedly knew were intertwined with each other no matter what. If we managed to escape, we would live happily in eternity. If, however, my Bella is taken away from me, I would soon follow her into the everlasting darkness. My life would have no meaning without this angel; it barely did before she came along.

The clock chimed, indicating that it was midnight and the beginning of the journey ahead. Bella knew nothing of what my family and I had planned; she only needed to do what I say in order for this to work.

Quickly scooping her up into my arms, I ran out of my suite and through the dimly lit halls of the castle at immortal speed. Alice was currently distracting Felix, who was supposed to be dutifully managing security in the castle during nightfall. Carlisle was with Aro, Marcus, and Caius, feeding them a lie that our permanent home back in America had been broken into and that there was clear evidence that a wild vampire was to blame. This would be the reason for our sudden departure, and the cover of nightfall would help us to more quickly escape without being noticed.

The rest of the family was, supposedly, on the flight back home. However, in reality, they were waiting in the forest two hundred miles west of the castle. It was a tourist spot that housed many campers and hikers, and therefore was not a place often frequented by the Volturri.

Silently racing down the stairs and out the back door, I halted as we reached the stone wall that encased the castle from the outside world. My eyes quickly averted downward and found the hunk of black metal wrapped around Bella’s ankle. She was still quite shaken up from the speedy departure and was desperately clinging to my neck in fear as my arms cradled her to my chest.

 Knowing that I wouldn’t have much time after I ripped the metal band to shreds, my legs sprung with enough force to land me on top of the wall, about six stories high. Bella yelped in shock as she looked down, terrified of the ground that was so far away. Quickly placing a chaste kiss on her forehead, I tucked her into the crook of my neck.

“Don’t scream,” I whispered simply. She nodded silently and gripped onto me tighter.

In one quick and unearthly speedy motion, my hand reached out and pulled the metal off her ankle, throwing it over my shoulder as I jumped from the wall and flew down towards the earth.

Landing perfectly on my feet, my legs were immediately moving at maximum speed through the Italian night, putting as much distance between Bella’s past and the future ahead as possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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